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One Week Later

Medical Examiner Office


Officer Tucker and Warner entered Doctor Stewart's exam room, walking over to the table. Examining the cold body lying there.

"Hello boys." Dr. Stewart said

The officers greeted her back.

"So what we got?" Office Warner asked.

"Sabrina Nyugen, ran her DNA through CODIS. I say she's around 26. Cause of death is blunt force trauma to the back of the head. She has defense wounds on her hands so whatever she was doing she fought back. I did a rape kit and got nothing so I don't think that's the cause of this. I found long strands of black hair on her body. I ran the DNA and nothing came up."

"So do you think she was in a fight or something?" Officer Tucker asked.

"I do. She was on her back on concrete so whoever she fought got the best of her in the end. For now I'm ruling it a homicide until we find out what started this fight." Dr. Stewart said.

"Is there a possibility she was killed in self defense?" Officer Tucker asked.

"Yes there is. You guys need to find out who she was fighting."

"Let's get to it." Officer Tucker said.

The Detectives walked out the exam room and got into their squad car.

"I guess we'll go alert the family and then get to looking for the other person involved in this fight." Officer Warner said.

Tucker agreed, started the car and pulled off.


I looked Dani while I was holding CJ. She just sat on the end of the bed staring at the wall. She won't sleep, she won't eat.

I'm really worried about her.


She jumped and turned around.

"I'm sorry." She said just above a whisper.

"Come here baby, come lay down."

"I don't wanna lay down."

"Are you okay?"


"Baby I know you're still shaken up because of what happened but none of this will come back on you. I had somebody get rid of everything. You good so relax."

"I didn't mean to kill her, I swear."

I saw a tear run down her cheek.

I got up and walked over to her and kissed her forehead.

"I'll be back I said." I walked into CJ's room, pulled out my phone and called my momma.

I laid CJ in his bed then grabbed his diaper bag.

"Hello." My mom answered.

"Hey ma, can you watch CJ tonight. Dani sick and I just wanna get her back feeling better."

"Of course I'll watch my grand baby. I'm on my way."

"Alright, see you when you get here."


She hung up.

I got Junior dressed then placed him in his car seat. I carried him back into the room.

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