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One Week Later.

I sat in my dads hospital room. He's still not responsive. Just stable. 

I'm ready to see some progress. I've been fighting to get him transferred. I just feel like if I don't I'm gonna lose him.

"So dad you're about to be a grand father. Dani is 2 months and 3 weeks man. I'm still trying let this sink in, I just can't believe I'm about to be somebodies dad. She's mad at me though. I'll admit I was a little harsh when she told me but it was only because I'm scared. I've never been scared about anything in my life up until now. I live a crazy life and the last thing I need is to get caught up in some shit that'll put my child's life in danger. I don't know how you raised me and kept me safe while still doing what you had to do. That's why I need you dad. I need you to help me figure this shit out. Now that this baby is coming I just want to be the best father that I can be. Why can't you just wake up man? I really really need you." I put my forehead on the railing and took a deep breath. "It's like I'm living in a nightmare. But I know you're going to be okay. You gotta pull through."

The timer went off.

I got up and headed out to my car. I usually call Dani and give her updates on my dad but there's nothing to update her on since shit is still the same.

Plus she started her new job.

I've been packing up my house, we move Saturday. I wasn't taking nothing but my clothes really since my mom is moving into my place. But packing my clothes is like packing an entire house.

I planned on doing more packing but I was hungry and tired as fuck.

So I went and grabbed me some in and out and headed home. I ate and and just went to sleep.

Later On.

I jumped up to somebody touching me.

It was Danielle.

"So we're falling asleep with Burgers and fries now?" She asked.

I looked down and the in and out box was still on my lap.

"Oh shit."

She ate a fry then sat the box on the nightstand.

"You're going to be fat." She said while sitting down.

"How was work?"


"That's good."

"I have a doctors appointment tomorrow for the baby, are you coming?"

I didn't say anything.

"Never mind, I'll just take my sister." She said while getting up.

"I'll go Danielle."

"No, I'm good."

"I said I'll go man. Don't be difficult."

"No! Im not going to force you to do anything you don't want to do."

"The only reason why I didn't respond was because you shouldn't even ask me about going to a doctors appointment for my baby. You knew I was coming."

She looked at me like kill the bullshit.

"I'm serious girl. I'm hurt that you even asked."

She groaned. "I think I'm going to my moms tonight."

"For what?!"

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