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One Week Later.

Can you pleeeease call me? I'm so sorry baby! - 7:39pm
I don't know what came over me - 7:39pm
I love you Danielle! Let me make this right - 7:42pm
Just give me 5 minutes that's all I need! - 7:42pm
Shit just give me a minute! - 7:45pm
I just wanna hear ur voice and see ur face baby - 7:48pm

I went to the call log and clicked her name and put the phone on speakerphone.

"You have reached the voicemail box of 32-."

I hung up and tossed my phone. It didn't even ring.

Why did I have to be so stupid?

I got up from my couch and walked into the kitchen to find me something to eat.

I've been doing all I can to talk to Danielle but nothing is working. She won't forgive me.

Even my momma mad at me.

I don't know how to fix this one. Gifts ain't gone work, a bunch of I'm sorry's ain't gone work. What do I do?

There was a knock at me door.

I walked over to it and opened it. It was some dude. When I looked behind him he had Dani's car on the back of a tow truck.

"What's this?" I asked confused.

"Ms. Khan asked me to bring this to you. Could you sign the clip board?"

I took it and signed my name. He ran back over to the truck. I walked outside and watched him put her car down.

Once it was off he brought me the keys.

"It's all yours buddy. Have a good day Mr. Brown." He got back in his truck and pulled up.

I looked at the keys and shook my head. I went down to her car, got in and pulled it into my driveway.

I was on my way back in but another car pulled up. I waited to see who was gone get out. A few minutes later her sister Ashley hopped out the drivers seat. She popped her trunk and started pulling out my stuff.

"You can come help! This is your shit." She said.

I walked down to her.

"She really done with me huh?"

"That's what it looks like." She passed me some of my stuff and then grabbed a few things then we walked into my house.

"You can sit that on the couch." I said.

We put what we had down and went and grabbed some more. I didn't know I had so much shit at her crib.

Once we got everything, Ashley just stood there and looked at me.

"What, you wanna cuss me out too?" I asked

"No that's not my place. I just really thought you loved my sister."

"I do."

"If you loved her, Bri wouldn't even been able to get that close to you."

"I know. I can't take what I did back and I don't know how to fix it."

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