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Decided to change the girl that plays Dani....


Three Months Later.

Christopher! I know you've seen me texting you😤 - 4:17pm

Is this what we doing now? Ignoring each other - 5:37pm


I laid on the bed with Bri planning her gender reveal party. I'm the only one that knows the sex and I can't wait for her and Trent to find out. We ended up canceling our Virginia trip because he invited his mom and brother out for the party.

I've been so busy helping them I kind of forgot that my birthday was in a couple days. I really didn't have much planned besides trading my car in and lying in bed with Chris all night.

Speaking of Chris he's been so damn busy lately and it's killing me and he's always so secretive with what he's doing. I know what he's involved in so why is he hiding shit from me.

I wanted to talk to bri about it but I feel like she's too judgmental now days.

"Okay so we're going to do the reveal after everybody eats and we still have to find you something to wear." I said.

"I'm so fat I don't even like to get dressed anymore."

"Girl you barely have a belly. Quit complaining."

"Trent calls me fat ass all day."

"He's just a jackass. Don't pay him any attention."

"So what are we doing for your birthday? You've been so busy planning this for us I haven't even heard you talk about it."

"I don't really have anything planned. I don't think I want to do anything besides get my car."

"I know Chris has something planned for you."

"Well if he does he hasn't mentioned it. I don't really care though."

"We're doing our yearly mani and pedi's. I know that for sure."

"Of course we are! I'll probably have a dinner. I'll let you know."

"Alright. Well enough baby talk let's go eat I'm starving."

"Yes! You read my mind." I got up and grabbed my purse. "Come on."

We got in the car and made our way to Applebee's

"I'm not asking for much just a couple of forevers! A couple of foreveeeerrrrs!" Me and Bri sang as I recorded us for snapchat.

I love this soooong! If I ever get married this will most definitely be playing at my wedding

"Chrisette Michelle really poured her heart into this song." I said while wiping my fake tears away.

Sabrina parked and we headed into the restaurant and they sat us at our fav spot in the back.

"I know you're probably tired of talking about this but what do you want for your birthday?"

"Nothing. Just my new car."

"I know it's something else besides that."

I bit down on my lip thinking about what I want. I honestly do have something in mind.

"Okay it is something that I want for my birthday but I don't know if I should tell you."

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