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"Christopher!" I heard my mom yell.

I walked out my room and went downstairs.

"How did you get in my house?" I asked.

"Boy don't make me beat yo ass!"

"What can I do for you ma?"

"Do you know that Dani is thinking about killing my grandson?!"

I just looked at her.

"What happened?" She asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it."

"I don't give a damn what you don't wanna talk about. Tell me what's going on?"

"I might've told her that she should be happy that I didn't make her get an abortion."

"Chris are you insane."

"I wasn't myself that day."

"Okay now that you are yourself you need to make things right."

"I can't worry about kissing Dani's ass right now! I gotta plan daddy's funeral she honestly is the last thing I'm worried about."

"You are so wrong and you know you are! You don't deserve her at all. All you do is constantly stomp all over her heart. She bends over backwards for you all the time and this is how you treat her? Do you even care that she's trying to abort the baby."

"Ma she ain't about to do that. She only told you that because she knew you was gone run over here yelling and shit."

"I honestly hope she doesn't come back this time. She tried to be there for you and you pushed her away. Now you're all alone in this big dark house. That is a good woman, why can't you just stop messing up!"

I turned and started walking to the stairs.

"Can you lock the door when you leave?" I asked.

"Chris you are burning bridges that you know you'll need to cross one day."

"Bye ma, love you."

I walked back into my room and shut the door. I walked over to my night stand and grabbed a sandwich bag I had sitting on it. I poured a line and straightened it with my pinky. Taking the residue on my pinky and rubbing it across my gums. I grabbed a 20 dollar bill and rolled it up and sniffed the line.

My head tossed back as the white powder shot up my nose.

Like always I was immediately full of energy

I threw the money on the dresser then went and got my phone. I went to Dani's number and tapped it.

So she really wanna kill my son? I can't believe her ass.

"Hello." Her voice said through the phone knocking me out my trance.

"Where you at?"


"I need to know."

"You don't need to know Chris."

"Man just tell me where the fuck you at?!"

"I'm not telling you nothing."

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