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3 Months Later.

Danielle sat inside the court room with her mother and Chris's mom. She hasn't been able to see or talk to Chris since he's been locked up. His second day there he was sent to the hole for fighting.

Today he was being sentenced.

His lawyer Mark had been fighting to get the murder charge dropped due to lack of evidence.

Danielle as been a wreck since Chris has been in prison. All she can think about is killing those detectives for getting her husband caught up.

She just wants to know why they were so determined to get him put away. The smile on Tucker's face while he read him his rights had her feeling like there's a much bigger reason than locking away a drug dealer.

Warner has been feeling guilty about taking Chris away from his family and has been contemplating on whether or not he should say something to Danielle about everything to clear his conscious. But he knows that Tucker would kill him if he ever said anything to her.

The door over by the jury benches opened. Chris and two cops walked inside the court room. Dani's heart just broke even more. He looked miserable.

Chris sat next to his lawyer then turned around to his family giving them a tiny smile.

"Case number 674235 The State Vs. Christopher Brown. Brown is facing chargers for drug trafficking in the first degree, possession of an illegal weapon, and murder in the second degree." The bench clerk said.

"At arraignment your plea was not guilty Mr. Brown. Is it still the same?" The judge asked.

"Yes ma'am." Chris responded.

"I hear you were in the hole for 3 months, why?" She asked.

"My second day there I was attacked by a prisoner who later confessed that he was bribed by one of the detectives to kill me."

"Is this true ADA Reynolds?" She asked surprised.

"That is the story that I was given as well." The district attorney answered.

"And which detective was it?"

"The prisoner didn't remember his name your honor." Reynolds said.

The judge took a deep breath and shook her head.

"Brown, stand for sentencing please."

Chris and Mark stood up.

"I looked into this case and there is barely any damn evidence which is crazy as to how a warrant was even issued. The judge responsible for issuing the warrant is most definitely under questioning. So I will be dropping the murder charges against you. But as for the drugs and illegal weapon. There was a gun and one kilo of crack cocaine found in your home. And for that I sentence you to serve 36 months in the state penitentiary. When over 50% of your time as been served you will be up for parole. Ladies and gentlemen that you for your time today. Court is adjourned." Her gravel hit the wood and everybody stood up.

"Can I just talk to my wife, please?" Chris asked the court officers.

"I'll give you 5 minutes."

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