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A Couple Weeks Later

I was out shopping with Ashley and Chyna. I've been trying to keep my mind off of the bullshit that's been going on around me. I can't believe my dad and I can't believe these fucking detectives. Chris is so paranoid, its crazy.

And on top of everything else, I think I'm pregnant.

My period is only a day late but Chris has been trying to have another baby. My son is only 5 months, I'm not trying to have a kid right now, my life is hectic enough.

It could just be from all the stress.

I'm not going to tell anybody though. I plan on taking a test once I get home. Fingers crossed for a negative sign.

"CJ would look so cute in these." Ashley said, knocking me out my thoughts.

"Yes he would! I have to get my baby those." I picked up the shoes she pointed to.

"I wish King was still that small. I want another baby but Michael ain't having it. I want a little girl." Chyna said.

"Now is the perfect time for you guys to have another baby. I think he said be more open minded." I said.

"Do you and Chris plan on having anymore kids?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah but no time soon."

"Of course not now. Your son is only 5 months." She said.


The thought of me being possibly pregnant ran through my head.

"Has your dad called you?" Chyna asked me.

"Nope and I'm sure I won't hear from him anytime soon. He's super stubborn. I can't believe how he reacted." I answered.

"Mommy cussed him out. In English and Korean it was crazy. I thought he like Chris. I was shocked at his reaction too." Ashley said.

"I don't even care. I've allowed him and Trent to run my life for as long as I can remember. I'm going to marry Chris."

"Did you say you're marrying Chris?" A voice said.

I quickly turned around and it was Bunny. I haven't seen her since the day at the hospital. I was hoping this bitch got hit by a bus or something.

"Yeah she did." Ashley snapped.

"Long time, no see Dani. Last I heard you were trying to trap Chris with a baby now you wanna lie about getting married." Bunny said.

"Bitch mind yo fucking business." I turned my nose up.

"Girl bye! That baby ain't even his probably and that man ain't marrying you." Bunny rolled her eyes.

I lifted up my hand. "You sure?"

"I know fake diamonds when I see them. You claim that nigga gone marry you but he still calls me."

"Here we go with this again!" I rolled my eyes. "Bitch my nigga don't want you. TRUST ME! You are the last thing on his mind. Now get the fuck out my face before I smack some sense into yo dumb ass."

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