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The smell of warm pancakes woke me up out of my sleep. This is why I have the best friend on eaaaaarth. I quickly got up and went into my bathroom to freshen up. I slipped on my robe and went out into the kitchen.

"Good morning bitch." Bri said.

"Good morning boo. It smells amazing in here."

"I went to sleep thinking about pancakes so I had to make some."

"You so greedy."

"So you got any plans today?" She asked.

"None at all. I have an interview at a doctors office tomorrow."

"Me tooooooo! It must be the same one."

"Yeah I referred you. This lady that has a crush on my dad works there so we most likely got the job."

"I'm excited. We need this."

"I know right." I went and grabbed a piece of bacon. "Wait a minute. Why is there 3 plates out?"


"Bri don't tell me he's here."

"He's sleep, you guys probably won't even see each other."

As soon as she said that he came right out the room.

"Baby, is breakfast almost ready?" He walked in the kitchen and wrapped his arms around her from behind and kissed her neck.

"Ugh, I think I'm gonna be sick. Just let me know when breakfast is ready." I said while leaving out.

"Daniiiiiii, don't be like tha- mmm shit Tre."

I gagged. Around my food though!

"I'll just go grab me something to eat." I walked in my room and slammed the door.

I climbed back in bed and pulled the cover over my head. I wanted to fucking scream.

Sometimes I hate my liiiiiiiife!

Why can't me and Chris still be cool. Speaking of Chris we haven't talked in about 3 weeks now. I really wanted to give in and listen to what he had to say but my pride just wouldn't let me.

I miss him though. I could go for a good laugh. I picked up my phone and searched for his name. I still haven't even read the texts he sent me.

I went through all of them. Most of them just said he was sorry and he wanted to explain.

I went to my call log and hit his name and put the phone to my ear.

"You have reached the voicemail box of-"

Damn did he have me blocked? The phone didn't even ring.

I tossed my phone and just laid back down. I cut on my tv and looked for a movie to watch.

I chose 50 Shades of Grey. I don't know why, the ending always pisses me off.

I was just sitting there chilling when Bri walked in.

"Come eat."

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