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5 Days Later.

"I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful flight. Thank you for flying with American Airlines."

I got out of my seat and went over to Chris and helped him up. I grabbed his bag and helped him off the plane.

He's been quiet since this morning. The most I could get out of him is a head nod.

"Baby you want me to carry your bag?" I asked.

He shook his head no and grabbed my hand.

We headed to baggage claim.

Sabrina left before us because she started contracting. We haven't really talked about our little argument yet. I guess we'll deal with that sooner or later.

After we got our stuff I called an uber for us.

"Danielle." Chris called out.

I turned and looked at him.

"I think I need to lay low for a while. Can I stay at your crib?"

"Of course."

"Thanks." He kissed my forehead.

We climbed in the truck and made our way to my apartment.

He just laid on my lap, I rubbed my fingers through his hair.

I text Bri to see if she's there.

Hey, are you at home? - 12:19pm

BFF👭💕 - I've been at Trents since I got home - 12:21pm

Okay - 12:22pm

I locked my phone and put it in my pocket.

Our trip went from being absolutely amazing to being horrible.

She smiled when she stabbed him. Robyn got something up her sleeve. I wanna say this is Karma but he didn't deserve to be stabbed.

We pulled up to my place.

I kinda missed my bed and Beastie. My dad kept him for me. I'm going to go pick up my baby as soon as I get settled in.

We were walking up to my door.

"Fuck!" Chris said.

I quickly turned around.

"You okay?" I asked.

He just pointed to the parking lot. I looked over to where he was pointing.

"My fucking car!" I dropped my bags and ran over to my Audi. All the windows were busted. It was scratched up and the tires was flattened. "HOW AM I GONNA GET THIS FIXED!"

"I'll take care of it."

"No, you've done enough. I'll call my dad."

"Danielle I said I got it." He snapped.

"You need to take care of that bitch or I will."

"It's already done."

I went and grabbed my bags and unlocked the door to my apartment.

We got up to my apartment and put our stuff up. He took off his shirt and laid across the bed. I went and grabbed a new bandage for his wound.

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