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We're back home, Maldives was so peaceful but I gotta get back to my son and show off my engagement ring to everybody!!

I still can't believe he proposed. I'm really about to be this crazy ass man wife.

Instead of going straight home we went to go pick up CJ from Chris's moms house. I couldn't wait to kiss all over my baby's face. It felt like I haven't seen him in months.

We pulled in his moms driveway and I rushed to the door and knocked. She opened the door with my precious angel in her arms. I was about to grab him but Chris shoved me and grabbed him.

"Junior! Did you miss daddy?"

"If you wasn't holding my son I'd beat yo ass for pushing me like that."

"Come on you two. I cooked dinner." Mama Joyce said.

We went into the dining room and sat down. I started kissing CJs cheek.

"I missed you. I missed my sweet baby."

"Chris, two detectives came here looking for you." His mom said while bringing our plates.

"Why?" He asked.

"They said they had questions for you."

"Light skin guy and one with like a blonde gay ass fro?" I asked.

"Yup." She responded.

"That's them." I said to Chris.

He just nodded while clinching his jaw.

"Is something wrong?" Mama Joyce asked.

"Nope." Chris said.

We all just focused on our food. This is why I didn't want to come back home. Now we gotta deal with these motherfuckas again.

"Danielle." Mama Joyce said.


"What's that on your finger?"

I looked at her confused forgetting about my ring. Chris just laughed.

"Is that a ring?" She asked.

I lifted my hand.

"Yes." A big smiled peeled across my face.

"Oh my goodness! Chris why didn't you tell me you were going to propose?!"

"Cause you talk too much." He said.

She tossed a napkin at him.

"I'm so happy for you two! Congratulations you guys."

"Thank you." We both said.

"I have to plan an engagement party for you guys. I'm so excited."

"Me too." I said.

"Dani you really changed my son. He has become an amazing man."

"Thanks ma." Chris said.

I kissed his cheek.

"I know the wedding is going to be amazing."

"Oh most definitely! I can't wait."

"I need another grand baby as well."

"One thing at a time ma." Chris said.

"My little prince has to enjoy being the only child for a while." I kissed his cheek.

I think I want more kids but sometimes I don't.

After we ate we decided to just stay at his moms house. We were both too tired to drive home.

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