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I pulled up to Trent's house to talk to him and Bri about Dani's ex mysteriously popping back up and to see if there's anything that they know that she's not telling me.

I rung the doorbell and waited for one of them to open it.

A few minutes later Bri came.

"Hey Chris." She said while stepping back.

"Wassup." I walked in.

"You can follow me. Trent's in the kitchen."

I walked behind her to the kitchen.

"Wassup Trent." I said.

"Wassup boy."

We did our handshake and I sat on one of the stools.

"Where's Dani?" He asked.

"At work. I needed to talk to y'all alone."

"Why? She ain't pregnant is she?" He asked.

"Naw man. We just got together. That ain't happening no time soon."

"What's wrong then?" Bri asked.

"Her ex, Jordan is back in town."

"Son of a bitch." Sabrina said.

"How you know that?" Trent asked.

"We was at the mall and we ran into him and then he somehow got her number and every time she talked to him she looked like she was scared. What's up with this dude?"

Trent looked at Sabrina. "Something you wanna tell me that she didn't?" He said.

"Ummmm nope. I gotta pee." She tried to walk away but he caught her arm.

"Why is Dani scared of him Sabrina?" He asked.

"I don't think she's scared of him. It might be just shocking to see him."

"Naw it was more than shocked. She looked sick to her stomach when she saw him and when he was on the phone with her." I said.

"How did he even get her number?" Sabrina asked.

"Shit, I can't even tell you." I said.

"Baby did he put his hands on her or something? You know she was infatuated with this nigga and if he did she wouldn't have told nobody but you." Trent said,

"You know I ride hard for my best friend. I just don't feel comfortable telling you guys anything that she trusted me with."

"Sabrina don't fucking play with me. Did he hit my sister?"

"It was never a hit she said that he would grab her or shake her when he's mad but never like slapped or punched her."

Trent hit the counter.

"He still put his hands on my fucking sister I don't care if it wasn't a punch or slap."

"Ima handle it. You gotta worry about your girl and your baby." I said.

"Why wouldn't Dani tell me?" Trent asked.

"Ima try and get the whole story from her." I looked at my phone. "I gotta go grab her some lunch. I'll hit y'all up later."

"Alright man. If that nigga come around again let me know."

"Will do." I grabbed my stuff and headed out.


I was sitting at my desk getting these patient files together. I couldn't wait to get home and take a fucking nap! I feel like I live in this place. I've been working on my off days because I need to move. Sabrina's things are slowly moving over to Tre's so I'll be responsible for all of the bills at our apartment. I just need a cool one bedroom apartment with a lot of closet space.

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