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Two Months Later.

I sat in my dads lawyers office waiting for him to come back with the judge decision on getting my dad transferred to a hospital instead of being in that jacked up infirmary. They don't give a fuck about him, he's gonna end up dying.

If I don't hear what I wanna hear when this man comes back I might fuck this place up!

My phone rang. I pulled it out my pocket. It was Dani calling me. I slid over the answer button and put the phone to my ear.

"Hey baby." I said.

"Hey, you still with your dads lawyer?"

"Yeah, he's talking to the judge right now. What you doing?"

"I just left the doctors office now I'm on my way to pick up the money from the club."

"Ok, you didn't find out we're having did you?"

She got quiet.


"Baby I gotta go, I'll call you back."

"If you hang up this phone I swear I'll find you and beat that ass. Did you find out?"

"No Chris."

"You a goddamn liar."

"I'm not. Chris I didn't find out."

"Okay. Ima call the doctors office and make sure."

"They won't tell you, that's against the law."

"Man you just couldn't wait for me. That's fucked up! That's supposed to be a special moment that we share together."

"See I have a very special reveal planned for you tonight."


"Don't be mad at me baby. I'm sorry." She pouted. "I love you."

"I love you too."

My dads lawyer walked in.

"Baby let me call you back." I said.

"K, I love you."

"I love you too."

She hung up and I put my phone back in my pocket.

"So what's the verdict Mark?" I asked.

"The judge is not letting up Chris. He's not too fond of your fathers past."

"So he just gone let my dad die because he don't like him?!That's some bullshit!"

"I know and I'm not going to give up until we get the answer we're looking for. Don't give up on me Chris. I know I can get him to change his mind."

"This is the third appeal he's turned down. I'm done talking. I'll take care of this myself."

"Chris you can't do anything crazy, you'll end up in jail."

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