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I've been locked in this house for a week now. I've had my phone turned off since that day. I just didn't want to be bothered.

I can't believe he showed her that bullshit and I didn't make it any better when I grabbed her wrist. When I'm mad I just can't control myself.

That's how I ended up in that situation.

Dani don't even probably look at me the same, she's probably scared.

I gotta get my temper under control. I've always been like this. Anything pisses me off and I just snap. I know it's not healthy but I can't help it.

Maybe I need counseling. I need something!

*Ding Dong*

Who the fuck is that?

I got off the couch and looked through the peep hole then opened the door.

"I've been worried sick about you!" Dani said while hitting my chest. I stepped back and let her in.

"What you doing here Danielle?"

"I can't check up on my fucking boyfriend?"

"I didn't know I was still your fucking boyfriend." I went and laid back down on the couch.

"Why wouldn't you be?"

I just looked at her.

"I never broke up with you. What's wrong with your phone? I've been texting you."

"I turned it off."

"I've been up at that stupid club every day looking for your ass. I ran into your mom the other day and she told me you've been locked up in the house like you lost your best friend."

"I just needed to clear my head. That's all."

"When's the last time you ate?"

"Couple days ago. I haven't been hungry."

"Well you're about to eat so make yourself hungry." She walked into the kitchen.

I just laid the for minute. I was really ready to give up on us thinking she done.

I got up and went into the kitchen. I wrapped my arms around her and put my head on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry Danielle." I grabbed her wrist and kissed it. I turned her around to face me. "You hear me? I'm sorry."

"I heard you."

"Let's worry about this food later. We need to talk." I grabbed her hand we walked downstairs to the basement. I sat down and pulled her on my lap.

"Chris we don't have to talk about this."

"We do man. I know you're wondering what happened."

"No Christopher."

"Danielle just let me explain please."

She took a deep breath. "Alright."

"Her name was Robyn. First girl I've ever really loved. I thought I was going to marry her honestly. Just like me she has a crazy temper so when we bumped heads shit would get crazy. The night that happened we were on our way to a party and she accused me of texting another chick. I can't lie I was. We started arguing so I pulled over. While we're arguing she starts to get physical. Constantly hitting me, I asked her to stop because I didn't want to hurt her but the hits kept coming. The last hit connected with my face. I snapped. I blacked out I don't even remember what I did. When I first saw the pictures of her face I threw up. I used to watch my mom go through that and I just was always against domestic violence I couldn't believe I did that. When I'm upset I blank out. I didn't realize I grabbed your wrist until I went to grab my keys and I saw that it was dark red. I got sick to my stomach once again. I've been able to control my anger a lot better since I was 19 but when I saw that picture I had flashbacks. Honestly hearing you tell me to calm down helped me out. I know you probably look at me differently and I probably scared you, I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry Dani."

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