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Today was my first off day in I don't know how long and I didn't have a clue of what to do. Last night me and Bri worked at her cousins club again and I got at least 2000 dollars in tips. It was crazy packed in there. I think I made more than a couple of the strippers that danced that night.

Since I have nothing to do today I guess I'll go back to sleep. As soon as I got ready to roll over Bri came barging in like always.

"Would it kill you to knock bitch?!" I yelled.

"Why are you still in bed? Get up! We need to go shopping for something to wear tonight." She said completely ignoring what I said.

"Why? What's tonight?"

"We're going out! Don't act like you forgot."

"Oh my gosh Bri. Do I have to go?"

"Yes! You gotta stop being so lame bitch."

"I'm not lame."

"You are!"

"Whatever. Where are we going anyway? Most of these clubs are dangerous."

"I don't know. You're brother said he knows a spot." She said.

"Excuse me? Did you just say my brother?"


"How did you get his number or how did he get your number?"

"He said you gave it to him. I knew you wanted to be my sister in law." She smiled.

I tossed a pillow at her.

"I don't wanna go to a club with my brother! I might as well go with my dad."

"Dani don't be like that."

"Okaaaaaaaay let me get dressed."

"Hurry up!"

"Don't rush me." I climbed out of bed and went into my closet. She's always interrupting my rest!

I grabbed my lace crop top and blue ripped jeans and went and jumped in the shower. I didn't feel like dealing with my hair today so I put it up in a ponytail. I haven't had my hair straightened in years but I think it's about that time.

I wasn't in the mood for make up so I just got dressed and headed out.

"Okay bitch let's go." I said to Sabrina who was dozing off on the couch. She's tired just like me, I don't know why she tries to act like she got all this energy.

"Damn, took you long enough."

I laughed and walked out the door.

Later On.

We were sitting at the food court after running around this damn mall. I was drained! Bri got another thing coming if she think I'm going out tonight.

I was sitting there scrolling through my phone when Bri came back with our food.

"Yasss! I'm starving." I said while stuffing 10 fries in my mouth.

"You are so greedy. That's why yo jeans barely fit now. Stuffing fries in your mouth like that."

"Bitch hush. My body is just fine. Give me a piece of your burger."

"You have a chicken sandwich right in your face."

"I know but it looks good. I think I want one." I grabbed her burger and bit it.

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