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I was finally allowed to come see my dad. His condition was kind of going up and down but he's been stable for a few days so they let me come up here.

I hope that now that he's stable, he'll get better. The doctor said he got hit in both of his lungs and they really don't know how he's still alive.

That's because my dad is a fighter. I know he'll be walking out of here soon.

I walked in his room and sat down the flowers and balloons I had.

I've been working on getting him transferred into a regular hospital. I think he'll get better care and it'll speed up his recovery time.

I grabbed a chair and sat down.

"Wassup dad." I put my chin on the bar. "They finally let me come up here to see you. I heard you're doing better. I just can't wait for you to get out of here man. My house is finished they're just decorating and doing the landscape. Momma is going to move into my old house, she needs more and Dani are back together. I guess what you said finally clicked in. A girl like her only comes once in a life time. She even got her RN job.....she's just not sure if she wanna move with me. I understand why but I just need her around me all the time..........I wanna spend the rest of my life with her. Shit I even think I'm ready to start our family. I hope we have a boy first.....well maybe not right now but in a couple years.....I just hope when I do have kids you'll be there to watch them grow.....I really just need you to wake up. I need one of your pep talks so bad man. If you're not here, who'll tell me when I'm wrong?! I need your help! Please pull through. Momma still needs you, you can't leave her........I think I'd lose my mind if I lost you. That's why I gotta get you in one of the best hospitals in LA. I don't care how much it cost. I'll give up everything I got to make sure you good and I know you'd do the same for me............I just wanna say thank you for everything. I know I don't thank you enough or I probably have never said thank you but you put your life on the line so that I could have a better life and I'm so grateful for that."

A timer next to me started to beep. I stood up.

"Well my time is almost up. I'll be back up here in a couple days to see you." I grabbed his hand. "I love you dad."

I put his hand back on his side then walked out the room. When I got to my car the tears fell. If he doesn't pull through I don't know what I'm going to do! I really think I'm going to lose my mind.

After sitting in the parking lot until I got myself together, I headed home.

I decided to call Dani to see what she was up to.

*Ring ring ring ring*

"Hello." Her voice spoke through the radio.

"Hey baby."


"What you doing?"

"Nothing, just woke up."

"Oh my bad. You wanna go back to sleep?"

"No, I need to get up anyway I gotta make a few runs."

"Oh okay."

"So how's your dad?"

"The same. I'm tryna get him transferred. This shit is hard though."

"I know. I'll help you if you want."

"I'd appreciate it."

"K. What do you want for dinner tonight?"

"We can just order something. You been tired lately, you need to get some rest."

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