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Another one....


Two Days Later

"How's Bora Bora?" I asked Dani.

We were face timing.

I was really grateful for what she did the other day. I probably would've been locked up right now if she didn't step in.

It's like Robyn want me to hit her so that she can get me locked up or something. Every time we argue the first thing she says is hit me.

Does she want me locked up?

I'm really starting to feel like I made a mistake. I went back to her because she was the girl that I used to be in love with. I thought she was the best thing for me.

All she doing is stressing me out.

Dani proved to me that she has my back but I fucked up and let her go.

"Boring boring." She answered.

I laughed at her corny joke.

"Awww. What have y'all done since y'all been there?"

"Eat and eat! I'm going to be as big as her before we leave. She doesn't want to walk the beach and we can't go out because she's huge. I did not expect it to be like this."

"You'll be alright."

"I won't!" She whined. "Fly out here."

"Man I'll be on the next flight. I need a vacation."

"I know you wanna see all this in person." She showed me her body. She just had on a bikini top with a towel covering her breast.

I licked my lips.

"You really got me thinking about it now man."

"Come on."

"I'll think about it."

She rolled her eyes. "So did you fix things with Robyn?"

"I've been actually been avoiding her. I can't really take the arguing right now."

"Maybe you guys need counseling."

"For what? We ain't married."

"But you guys are in a relationship."

"I don't know for how much longer though."

She rolled her eyes.

"You should quit doing that you're eyes are gonna get stuck." I said.


"How are you and Jordan?"

"We're cool I guess."

"What made you get back with him?"

"I'm not back with him. I just agreed to go to dinner since I am a single woman."

"Did you have to include that you were single?"


"I know you single. I'm the last nigga you dated."

"You might be the last nigga I date for real."

"Man don't start that shit."

"You coming to enjoying this beautiful weather with me or nah?"

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