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Today I was finally headed back to work at the club. I had to wait until I was properly healed before I could go back but now it's time to get back to the money.

Tonight they were throwing me a big welcome back party. Everybody supposed to be there. I can't fucking wait.

I plan on bringing me a couple bitches home tonight.

I haven't had sex in 4 months. I'm way past due!

I was getting dressed when my doorbell rang.

I looked out the window in my room and it was a car I didn't notice.

I slid on my jogging pants and went downstairs, looked the peephole and opened the door.

"What you doing here?" I asked.

"Hello to you too, my stuff is still here and it's a pair of shoes that I need. I would've sent Ashley but she had an interview." Danielle said.

I stepped back and let her in.

"So I see you got your charger back. What made you get black?"

 What made you get black?"

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"It matches my soul." She said while walking up the stairs.

I laughed and shook my head. I followed behind her.

We got to my room. She went in the closet and started pulling her stuff out.

"You got a date tonight?" I asked.


"That's good."

"What about you? That outfit looks pretty fancy." She said.

"Big party at the club tonight."

"You're finally going back, that's good."

"Yeah I gotta keep myself busy now that I'm single you know."

"Poor you." She made a pouty face.

"So who's the lucky guy?"

"That's none of your business."

"You should skip that whack ass date and come party with me. We always have fun together."

"Maybe next time."

I walked over to her and closely stood behind her.

"I really need you to back up." She said.

"I need to get something out the closet."

She moved to the side.

I grabbed a shirt then walked back over to my bed.

"Which shirt?" I put up the one I had picked out already.

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