Chapter 1: the dream

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Homework is so...what's the word? Horrible? The utter worst? Mind numbing? For the sake of being positive I stuck with mind numbing.

I yawned and stretched my arms up in the air. I've been so tired lately. Like I'm not really sleeping at all.

Every night the same dream. A strange foggy place with things that I can see out of the corner of my eye, but whenever I look, they're gone. It seemed to be vast. Like I'm standing in a field, but yet there is no stars, or moon. Like I'm in a room then? The ground is almost like a black stone. I realized I was staring off into space and biting the end of my pen.

"Aw crap." I had made a dent in the pen. I was trying to stop that. Too many pens breaking and spraying in my face.

I jotted down the dream in a journal quickly, before I forgot. It seemed like every time I woke up, something was missing from the dream. This was probably the first time I remembered.

I laid in my bed for a solid hour before I could get me mind to quiet down and let me sleep. Is it just me or does anyone else hear your name being whispered in your head when you're trying to sleep?

Now I was awake again.
This fog was so dense. I decided it was time to sit down. I crossed my legs and rested my elbow in my knees. It's a dream, right? So then why couldn't I imagine some food? Or some hot guy to come and make out with me?

Stupid brain. Must be something wrong with it. I though to myself.

Suddenly a sharp pain flowered on my back and something stumbled over me.

"Ow." The mysterious thing groaned. Perhaps my mind wasn't broken after all. There was finally a guy. Not necessarily a hot one. Scratch that. I hadn't even seen him yet.

"Well that was rude." I looked up to see a jumbled mess of person sitting in front of me. I did catch a glimpse of jet black hair.

"What was that?" The mysterious person asked.

"Oh, I was just saying that it's rude to stumble over someone and not apologize." I said snidely.

The guy got himself into a sitting position. I was right about the hair. But his eyes were like something from a friggin book. They were blue, but they were a more stormy blue. Like the sky when it's about to rain, but more chaos with the clouds. His eyebrows where cocked and staring at me like I was a ghost.

I cleared my throat awkwardly.

"Right, sorry about that. But really, you shouldn't be sitting when it's so hard to see." His voice sounded so entitled. Also deep.

"I didn't know anyone else was here." He said after a long silence. Honestly, I just didn't know what to say. I've heard your mind creates people in dreams from the ones you've seen from real life. And rarely ever in this much detail. I mean, I could see the sweat drinking down his face.

"This dream just gets weirder and weirder." I muttered louder than I thought, because he commented.

"Dream? So the queen didn't banish you here?" I looked at him as if he had two heads.

"Er, no. I placed my head on a pillow. And fell asleep. I've been having this dream for a while. Good question is: who are you?" He smirked a bit. Which was odd.

"A dream. Huh. Well, let's get formalities out of the way, I'm the Prince of darkness." He gave me a dark look, and extended his hand.

"Of course you are." I laughed.

"Do you not believe me?" He said flatly.

"No, I do, and knowing my head it only makes sense." I was still chuckling. I thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye and turned to look and... nothing.

"And what is in your head?"

"Well you for starters, this place. I guess we all have our dark places." I shrugged. He just looked like he was in deep thought.

"Didn't think my dark place would literally be dark, and so foggy." I was expecting to get a laugh, it was my head after all, but nothing. This put a frown on my face.

He extended his legs and I noticed his clothing. He was in a tux, a really nice one. I glanced down at my own outfit to find it was a long sleeved, black dress. I guess I liked black.

"So tell me." He gave me a large smile, but I couldn't help feel like there was something suspicious behind his little smile. "Where are you from?" I squinted at him, silently scrutinizing him.

"What does it matter?"

"I suppose it doesn't, but still-" He readjusted himself "-humor me."

"Las Vegas, Nevada." His eyebrow twitched.

"And what is it like in this Las Vegas?" He put his elbows on his knees and rested his head on his balled up fists.

"Oh you know, hot, dry, dull. But the people never stop coming, never see the same face more than twice, unless they actually live there." He just seemed to be studying me.

"What?" I barked.

"No, I don't know this 'Las Vegas'." He air quoted. This guy is really the one I imagined? How typical. I try to do something, and end up screwing it up.

A loud ringing jolted me awake. I was heaving heavily as I bolted up. Again, I felt so tired. Alas, I had school. So sleep had to wait till tonight.

I rolled out of bed. Literally. I hated standing up to get up. So I fell to the floor. I landed a bit harder than normal. Must be off my game a bit.

I remembered the guys face, and quickly jotted it down in my journal. I labeled him the 'Prince of Darkness', mainly because I realized I didn't get an actual name out of him. What was I thinking. I made him up. I could make up any name I wanted for him. I wrote 'Dale' under the 'Prince of Darkness'.

Perhaps Dale isn't a good name. Maybe Simon. I've heard that name somewhere before. Scratch that. Perhaps Paul. That doesn't seem to fit him.

I glanced a the clock and noticed I had ten minutes before my ride arrived. And yet another dent in my pen. DAMN IT!

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