Chapter 43: Cantos

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I see why it took all day for this thing. Because of how many people there were, it took forever to get everyone out. Well, the close relatives of Avel would be staying in the castle, but everyone else left. I was told there would be a lot more people coming in the next few days. The castle was going to be pretty busy.

It took almost till dawn to send off everyone. After that I was to help Amos get ready for bed. I was expecting only us, but Avel walked with us.

"What will you be wearing for your wedding?" She said. I was a little dumbfounded.

"Oh, me. I don't know. This?" I was told it wasn't going to be a particularly pretty affair so why not this?

"Oh heavens no. I'll see what I can do," she stated proudly.

"If I may your majesty, why go through the trouble?" I was genuinely curious. I caught a sideways glance from Cantos, but I ignored it.

"My dear. I believe every woman should look good on their wedding day. Even if it is just my servants." I see now. She was a fashionista, she just wanted to play doll with me. Made sense, looking at Cantos's clothing.

"I appreciate the thought your majesty," I said blandly.

As we walked my mind wandered. Would I have to plan it? Was there anything to plan? When was it happening exactly? I felt a little dizzy.

Amos told me that he didn't need any assistance going to bed and to go straight to bed. Avel took this opportunity to have me accompany her to her room. I tried to say no, but I felt that would be bad if I did.

"Don't you two worry about your little ceremony. We'll just have the priest for our wedding wed you. Although it won't be as glamours. May, was it? I'll take you to our dresser tomorrow and have a lovely gown picked out for you. Nothing too fancy, can't have you looking anywhere near as good as I," she giggled.

"With all due respect, I don't believe anything you put me in could compare to you," I teased a little bit. In a way, it won't. She had a different beauty than I did. We look nothing alike, although I can tell she'd already compared us. And, for some odd reason, made it seem like I was in equal footing as her.

When we arrived at her room she spoke, "I may have had a little secret agenda for this as well. You two run off. I don't need assistance tonight Cantos. Go, mingle with your bride," she giggled impishly.

I was standing there looking like a fish when she shut her door in our faces.

I took a gulp.

"Well wasn't that nice," I said sarcastically. "Do you know the way back to the kitchens from here?" I didn't know this hallway, but perhaps he did.

"Forgive me. My memory is poor, I believe I know. But, my lady said for us to do something," he said monotone. I sighed.

"Well we can just take a walk, that's something." I smiled, hoping he'd accept. He simply nodded. I sighed in relief.

We walked in silence for a while. I didn't know what to say. Perhaps I should get to know him. I don't know, perhaps I'll actually like him.

"So, what do you think about this whole marriage business?"

"Of my lady wishes it, then I shall do it," there's that monotone that made my lips purse.

"Do you ever smile or laugh? Cry even?" I said a little hot tempered.

"What do you mean?" He said in, you guessed it, monotone. Some curiosity though, that was a step.

"Sorry, it's just-never mind. Do you like to do anything?" Anything. Throw me a bone, I begged in my mind.

Were we anywhere near the kitchens? It was offaly dark here, and quiet.

"I am sorry. But my duties to my lady take up all of my time. Is there something you'd like me to like?" His words shocked me. This guy reminded me of a puppet.

"Not particularly. I just want you to like what you like. I don't want to change you."

"I don't seek to change any of your aspects as well. I must say May, I find you intriguing." I was a little shocked by his words. And a little uncomfortable. He actually said it in a flirty/embarrassed kind of way.

Without warning me shoved me against the wall. I went to yell at him, but he took the opportunity to shove his mouth against mine. I'd never kissed anyone, but this seemed different. It was bland and it seemed emotionless, cold. I didn't know if I should kiss him back or what, so I was just standing there, letting him kiss me.

He pulled away and looked in my eyes. I was a little panicked so I didn't expect him to lean in and kiss me again. This time it was fiercer, harder. He even bit my lip a little bit.

I decided I didn't like it and tried to push him off, but he clung to me. I tried fighting, but his arms snaked around me.

I was unable to escape.

His arm fell to my butt. Let me tell you, when you don't want someone to touch your butt, and they do, it's more like when a stranger accidentally touches it. Except you're less willing to forgive him.

I was panicking now. I couldn't think straight.

All of a sudden the hem of my dress began to lift up. Oh god, this man was going to do that to me. Rage filled me.

"Stop!" My words were instantly snuffed out, not only by him, but the emptiness of the hallway. I wiggles harder, but this only seemed to make him move faster.

"That's enough slave," a familiar voice spoke.

Cantos quickly jumped away from me. We were both breathing hard, and our lips were swollen. At least he hadn't...I couldn't finish my thought. I looked up to see who my savior was.

"Forgive me your highness. I was-"

"I know. Now get out of my sight," he barked. I looked at his face and saw so much anger. I couldn't tell Cantos saw it too. He fled without another word.

I don't know why but I was pissed. I was angry at Cantos for being a sleaze bag, and then a little at Jericho, who'd saved me.

"Why?" I snapped. Jericho wouldn't stop staring in his direction. He looked ready to kill. It was a little scary.

"Come, I'll walk you back." He turned and began walking quickly down the corridor. I hurried after him.

"I can't believe they want me to marry him," I muttered angrily under my breath.

"Marry? Then I would put this incident behind you. I'm sure he was just caught up in the emotions," he said Cooley. But he still sounded mad.

"I don't think you think that. But even if you do, how could you say that? He had no right, I gave no consent. Told him to stop-"

"You're in an arranged marriage to him, yes?"

"Uh, y-yeah, but that wouldn't matter. He-!"

"You can't get out of it. So I'd try to forget it," he was saying emotionlessly. I could tell he was still mad though.

"Why are you trying to defend him!" I yelled at him. He stopped and I almost ran into him.

"You're a sad little girl that got messed up in our politics. This is the price," his words were barely a whisper. In this quiet hallway, I could hear him clear as a bell.

"Then why did you stop it?" I folded my arms in front of my chest and glared at the back of his head.

He turned around and looked at me in the eyes, examining me. His eyes were like a radar or an X-ray machine. I could tell he was still pissed, and even slightly confused.

"I...I don't know," he sounded almost sad. "Kitchen is that way." He pointed in the direction he referred to, and then walked in the other direction.

Part of my wanted to follow him and grill him for more information. Part of me just wanted to get some sleep.

The light of the morning was starting to peek it's head under the long dark curtains that hung over the windows. I needed some sleep for tomorrow.

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