Chapter 31: trust no one

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Cicil didn't have to accompany me today, but she did anyway. Jericho had gone somewhere, leaving only Amos to take care of, so there was no need for Cicil to help me. I think she was told to watch over me as it was only my second day. I could tell by the look on her face that she'd rather not watch me, but she was a good at following instructions. I felt bad for her.

As we entered Amos's' room I saw he was still sleeping. I was jealous of how well he got to sleep, but kept my thoughts to myself. I walked over and set his food on his nightstand, not slamming it down like yesterday. I wanted to talk to him. Needed to in fact, but I didn't feel comfortable doing that with Cicil in here. I'd have to try to catch him alone, seeing as my mind could so easily be read.

"What are you waiting for? You should wake him," Cicil ordered. I crouched next to his bed. How to wake him today? I knew exactly how.

"Wakey wakey, or else," I whispered harshly into his ear. My hot breath must have ticked his ear, because he reached up to itch it. I laughed and brushed his hair out of his face.

"Or else what?" He said groggily.

"Or else I'll eat your breakfast," I grinned. He looked at me with sleepy eyes, then they scanned the room, falling on Cicil picking out todays outfit. His eyes locked on hers so intensely. I wonder if they were a thing before he was banished. I suddenly felt embarrassed and out of place. Perhaps I was the one who should leave them alone. I cleared my throat, but Amos and Cicil looked at me. "Eat your breakfast," I ordered as I walked over to help Cicil. I could tell he would stealing glances at us, or Cicil more specifically. It made sense, she was quite pretty.

"Here, do not find me today, you'll go and speak with Kole when you're done here." She turned and left without another word. Amos's' eyes followed her as she left. I pursed my lips.

"Should I have left you two alone?" I carried his clothes over to his bed.

"Excuse me?" He looked at me with disgust. I rolled my eyes and replied, "you're not so subtle staring was obvious. You and her a thing?" I asked uneasily. He scoffed in response.

"Hardly. What did the queen want with you?" Avoiding the question are we?

"She wanted to know how we met. What would happen if she found out?" I sat down next to him. I never really noticed it, but I felt the most comfortable with Amos, like I was safe. I didn't have to be some servant, I was just me. And that was so comforting.

"I'm not sure, but it's best that she doesn't know. One less thing to worry about," he nibbled absentmindedly on some fancy looking piece of toast.

"What else ails you my lord?" I put on a fake British accent and shoulder bumped him playfully. He smiled a little, but he still looked so stressed. I couldn't help but feel like I was failing at my servant duties.

"I, I'm not sure how to say this. Uh, the queen brought me back so that we'd have a strategic advantage." I looked at him blankly, not understanding what he meant. "She wants to join forces with a neighboring kingdom in order to grow ours. So," he continued, "I am to marry the princess of the neighboring kingdom. This is why I am back. She didn't say it, but I'm sure this is to make sure that her son rules this kingdom while I connect ours with theirs while not being here. I serve my purpose I suppose." He shrugged and continued eating. I was appalled. He looked so much less than happy about this. I was angry with not only the queen, but with myself. Amos should have a say in who he's going to marry. I'd always hated that about history. Princes marring princesses for politics.

"That's stupid," I stated. This caused Amos to choke on his toast.

"It is what it is. I'd rather it be this than being killed by Berserkers." I nodded in agreement.

"Thank you, by the way," I said.

"For what?" He looked at me with those stormy eyes. I smiled brightly at him.

"For saving my mind from the queen yesterday." He looked at me for a moment, and slowly a smile spread across his lips. He brought his hand and patted me on the top of my head, making me pout.

"Anything for my slave." I smacked his hand away.


Koles hard gaze really got to me, I didn't know why, but it did. He ordered me to sweep the halls, so I did just that. I was completely alone at this point. I didn't even know where the broom and dust pan was, but I eventually found it...eventually.

After a few days Cicil quite accompanying me to take care of Amos, and I was ok with that. I noticed after the third day that she never looked at me in the eye, she always averted her gaze. I couldn't figure out why. Maybe it was because I was Amos's servant and she wasn't. Maybe she wanted to be his servant. There was so many things about this place I didn't understand, and it was driving me insane to be quite frank. I was working in the gardens when I spotted Han. I waved to him and he happily jogged over to me.

"Hey, it's you!" He beamed. I just laughed at him.

"Where have you been for the last few days?" Being a servant was lonely business. I rarely got to talk to Amos and then I didn't know anyone here, so I was forced into solitude.

"I do a lot of things. In fact, I do a lot of heavy lifting," he wiggled his eyebrows and showed me his muscles.

"Impressive," I laughed, picking out a weed, at least, I hoped it was a weed.

"You think? You're so different from Jack. What made the lord choose you?" This took my by surprise. What did he mean?

"Who's Jack?" I asked Han. His eyes widened.

"You didn't know? Jack was lord Amos's' servant before you?" My heart fell to my feet. He had a servant before me?

"What happened to him?" I couldn't stop the shaking in my voice.

"He was executed by the queen for being involved with the murder of the King. Did you not know this?" He seemed to be backing away slowly.

"No, why has no one told me?"

"Because the queen decreed that matters of the royal family not be uttered by simple folk." Han and I both jumped at the sound of Cicils voice. "I suggest you drop the subject." She turned and walked away.

Han quickly left as well, leaving me alone, once again. I had such a sinking feeling. Amos hadn't told me about that. He might have had his reasons, but he should have told me. I felt so hopeless and weak. Like a hollow feeling of being betrayed leaves you. Could I not trust Amos?

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