Chapter 5:invisible

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I realized I was still sitting down in water. At least, I hoped it was water. I'll just have to wash my hands when I got out. Got out. Oh no, the bell was ringing soon. And there was a boy in the girls bathroom. Fan to the tastic. I needed to get him out of here.

"Well, Amos, I have to go back to class so-" I exited the stall and began to walk out of the bathroom.

"Sounds like fun. What is this class?" He interrupted, ignoring that I had called him by his name.

"It's history-" Just then the bell rang. "Or math. That's cool too." I looked back at Amos, following me out of the girls bathroom. "Just, um... don't talk. And keep your head down." What else was I supposed to do with the prince of darkness.

You could feed him. A voice chimed in my head. I gave him a sideways glance.

You can read my thoughts?

Only some, you're not very quiet with them you know. I just imagined a wall in front on that part of my mind that he can 'read'. I hoped at least. I went and retrieved my bag from my history class. Mrs. Shives was still sitting in the corner, pale as a ghost. Amos looked at the women, question written all over his face, but he said nothing. He followed me like a puppy to my next class. Unfortunately my math teacher wasn't so keen on ignoring him.

"And who are you sir?" Mr. Mathews asked Amos.

"May. Explain." He waved in my general direction. I shot him a look of daggers. I sighed and covered his sorry butt.

"T-this is my...cousin...he just got in and um...he's out of state and he uh didn't want to er." Way to go May.

"I just couldn't leave my cousin's side. I don't know anybody in the states so please forgive me. I followed her to her school." Did he always have that accent or have I just not noticed?

Add bad liar to my list of things I was bad at. I just gaped at how easily he could lie. Mr. Mathews huffed, but didn't ask anymore questions.

In hindsight we could have just said you were a new student and you hadn't been put on the role yet. I said inside my head. Why I had just talked to him, I had no idea, but I saw him smile a bit out of the corner of my eye. So I can make the man laugh.
I dreaded going to lunch because I knew Bree and Candice would definitely question my new puppy. I could just ride it off as a cousin, but they could see through it. Or I guess I could make him my boyfriend, no, they knew me too well to think of actually be able to score a boyfriend. Maybe we could just leave, oh, nope, they spotted us.

Please stop thinking so much, it's giving me a headache.

Oh I'm so sorry. Do you want me stop thinking for you? I said snidely in my head hoping he could hear it.

That would be most desirable. Servants aren't supposed to be as smart as their masters.

Don't expect me to call you master.

You just did. He smiled at himself as I sent looks of sheer hatred toward him.
"Excellent. I'm starving. May, get me some lunch will you?" I had to practically force myself to not smacking him, or kicking him in the shins. "Also I'd ask you not try to harm me, or my mark will punish you." He said with a stupid smile plastered to his face.

"You can just have my lunch. I'm suddenly not very hungry." To my dismay they noticed Amos, and they instantly questioned me with their eyes. I wish I could just tell them in their mind not to push it, but they completely disregarded my pleading glances and pounded on my new found 'friend'.

"So, who's this?" Candice said blatantly. Straight to the point that one is.

"I could ask the same of you" Amos said, rudely. "May? Aren't you going to introduce me?" He sounded so entitled. Like a spoiled Prince.

"Oh yeah. Candice. Bree. This is Amos. My cousin. He's visiting us and he'll be going to school here in the mean time." I spouted off. One point for May for fluid lying.

"I've never met any of Mays family members. Not even her mom." Bree said.

"That's because you never come over." I wagged my finger at her. She just giggled.

"So, how long are you here for?" Candice asked, instantly taking in the eye candy.

"I'm not sure yet. Till I'm forced to go home probably." He shrugged and opened my lunch box casually. I rolled my eyes.

So entitled. I thought.

I am a Prince after all. His voice said in my head. I purses my lips at him.

He ate quickly. Like he hadn't eaten in a few days. Which he kindly told me that he hadn't. He even asked for some of my friends food. I looked at him, appalled. He noticed my discomfort and retracted his question. I shook my head at him.
I didn't expect Amos to be so popular with the cool kids. But, they flocked to him like bees to honey. I tried to use it as a means to escape, but alas, he ordered me to stay by him. I'm pretty sure he has a power over me since he was, you know, my...never mind. I refused to say the word.

"So you're who's cousin again?" A girl named Shannon asked. She wore too much makeup and reeked of perfume. I rolled my eyes.

"Why, I'm Mays cousin. Isn't that right May?" He gave her a smile and a tone of voice than made her practically melt in his hands. I scoffed.

"Yep." I strained to say.

There was a lot of eyes on me. Like they had just noticed me. Looks like the invisible girl wasn't so invisible now.
Hey guys! How are you liking the book so far? I've actually had this little beauty in my head for a few years. It was so different when I first thought of it. But anywho, don't forget to comment, but positive and negative are always appreciated.

Don't forget to vote as well I guess XP (XP is a face. I had to explain this to my mother)
Hugs and murder,

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