Chapter 34: princess of darkness

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When I got to the kitchen Cicil was there with new clothing for me to put on. I wanted to ask her why I needed it, but I remembered we weren't speaking, so I didn't. But I could guess it was because I was going to meet my new master in law.

I chuckled at myself and my clever names.

I quickly dressed to find that the clothing was actually pants and a shirt. It was like a butler uniform but instead of buttoning it it cupped around the chest area so there was a place for my bust to sit out. How appalling. I'd never worn a suit before. I couldn't help but think about losing the sleeves,along it more of a vest. But after picturing the idea, I discarded it. There was a bow tie and white gloves too. I guess I could grow to like this. I had the same shoes I wore as just another servant though.

Everyone stared at me as I walked out of my room and into the kitchens. I dared not look at anyone as I walked to Amos's room. I walked in and looked at him. I've read about princes and how gody they looked. But Amos, he looked nothing like a cheesy prince. He wore a black dress coat over a midnight blue undershirt, as well as black dress bangs and dance black shoes. It wouldn't look prince like if it weren't for the cloak that he wore behind him. It was midnight blue, like his undershirt, and it hung almost to the floor.

It would have looked ridiculous, but for some reason it made him look more menacing. I could feel his power pouring off of him in waves.

"The Alchemists cloak. It helps emanate the wearers power. You feel it?" He smiled. I nodded. His eyes widened as he looked at me. "Wow, look at you. You look-"


"Like some slut." It was like a slap in the face. "I mean, I know it's supposed to look like that. And, are your breasts that big? Holy cow," he rattled.

"Ok, one, you're a perv. Two, shut the hell up I wasn't the one to pick this out," I growled at him. He ran his hand through his still slightly damp hair.

"I did." A voice came rom behind me.

I turned around to see Jericho. He was wearing black and red, and had the same clothes and cloak on like Amos. They both looked like deadly princes.

"You're such a perv too! You're both big perverts!" I threw an article of clothing at Jericho. It hit him square in the face. That's when I realized it was Amos's underwear that was sitting on his face. Amos busted out laughing while I could feel Jericho's power grow menacing, at me specifically. "Oops," I said innocently.

His darkness erupted off of him, causing the underwear to fly off of him and his dark chains to encompass my wrists and drag me to him. Uh oh. He looked so scary. His eyes looked menacing and his darkness was making them even more so.

Amos quickly used a dark claw to grab me by the waist and drag me back to him. The chains still on my wrists. "Enough," Amos ordered. He didn't sound too convincing when he was trying to not laugh.

"That-that, she, she threw underwear at me!" Jericho exploded.

"I didn't know it was underwear," I mumbled. His glare fell on me, sending chills up my spine.

"I say enough," the queen had entered the room. Her voice was final and firm. Jericho's invisible chains fell from my wrists and the power in the room fell back to normal. Her hypnotic eyes looked at both of the boys, firm and final. They fell to me, and softened. "Oh darling, you're supposed to button it up." She glided over to me and went to button the one right under my sternum, but it wouldn't shut. "Ah. I see. Well, let's fix your hair darling." I was slightly embarrassed as to the last button not buttoning shut. But it was strange how mother like she was acting towards me. She quickly put my hair into a pony tail.

I realized she didn't wear a cloak like the two princes. Although she still held more power than the two. I swallowed hard.

"There. Now, if you're done being children," she glared at the two princes, who both averted her gaze, "we can go." She turned swiftly to leave. Jericho fell at her heals while Amos and I followed behind.

I was nervous, also a little nauseous. Amos's fiancé. I wonder what she'll be like. Maybe she'll be cool. Or horrible. Princess of  darkness, now that sounded like a cool name.

"Could you stop."

"Please shut up." Both of them yelled simultaneously.

"What?" I asked innocently. They both looked at me.

Your mind is so loud May. Amos tried to be gentle, but it still sounded harsh.

"Oh, sorry," I laughed nervously. Our little banter didn't even cause the queen to stop, or even intervene. We all just kept walking.

I could imagine a separate room, but I wasn't in practice. I'd have to get better at this if I want to keep my thoughts private.

We walked into the dining hall, which wasn't all that exciting. I was hoping we'd go somewhere cool, like outside the castle, but no. I doubled checked to make sure that my thoughts were in my "separate room". The royals were greeted by two other servants, Kole and Cicil, who pulled their chairs out for them. I followed suit, but I wasn't in sync. They all stood by their royal, so I stood by mine. We all waited. And waited. No one seemed to move a muscle.

When finally, the door opened and a male dressed like the rest of the servants walked in. Except he was wearing pink. It was a darker pink, but still, pink. Hot pink. There it is.

Don't, Amos said. I bit my lip. He knew that I'd want to laugh at it. Which would probably be bad.

After the man servant, a girl followed. She was about my age. Slightly taller, but I blame that in the heals she wore. She had on a similar cloak to the princes, but hers was clipped to the front of her neck with a small gold chain. Her cloak was the same hot pink like her man servants, but stripped with black. Her dress was the same way. It was like a cocktail dress, super high and super low. Her bust was hanging out too. I realized that mine was basically the same way so I couldn't really say anything. . She noticed this too and sent a glare towards me. I noticed Cicil wasn't wearing what I was either. I had a feeling Jericho had something to do with my suite. Wait, he said he did. Damn.

"Welcome, princess Avel, to our home," the queen purred.

"Queen Celeste, thank you." She bowed to the queen. Her voice was annoyingly high and nasally. I could feel the dread setting in and the realization that I was going to have to deal with this woman.

Her eyes fell on mine for just a moment. And I'm that moment I could feel pure hatred run towards me. But why though? Her power was scary, but I felt more intimidated by the queen than by her. Yet, I was still shaking.

"Avel, this is Amos, your future husband, and you already know my son," she introduced.

"A pleasure lady Avel." Amos got up and kissed the back of her hand. Her eyes flew up to meet mine for some reason. I tried my best to maintain a straight face.

My eyes caught Jerichos. All he was doing was smirking. I've never been in a more uncomfortable spot.

"Let us begin dinner," the queen announced.

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