Chapter 15: large brick wall

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I felt myself wake up, but yet I didn't want to wake up. I still felt sleepy. I felt sick, like the fever and the sour stomach kind of feeling.

Not to mention I felt like I had worked out vigorously, which is funny, because I never worked out. My body aches and I was uncomfortable. Trying to move just made pain blossom from my side.

I opened my eyes to see that I was in my room. I went to sit up, but my side screamed at me not to.

"Don't move to fast. I had to suck out the poison from your blood. Your bodies probably still in shock." Amos appeared in my field of vision.

"Poison? Where's Candice? Is she ok? What about that Berserker thing?" The questions came flying out.

"Yes. Berserkers have poison in their claws. It can cause you paralyzes and then you'll rot, then death. As for Candice, she was upset that you threw her to the groun-"


"Humans can't see Berserkers. Now, if you'll let me finish-" he glared at me "-I didn't explain anything to her, and just ran. With you unconscious and bleeding on my shoulders. So I assume she's fine. And the Berserker, I ended up killing it." He explained.

"What even is a Berserker?" I took a deep breath in. Bad idea, it hurt.

"They're half human half animal hybrids. And since they're hybrids they're also kind of...insane. The Dark Queen uses them as her henchmen. They may be dumb and crazy, but they're crazy strong and since they're crazy, mad hard to kill. I'm surprised I got that one. It must have been distracted by your blood or something." He trailed off a bit at the end.

I placed a hand on my side where it got me. Then I realized something, I wasn't wearing a bra.

"Er, Amos? Did you dress my wound?" I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks.

"Yes." He said slowly.

"Why aren't I wearing a bra? And a different shirt for that matter."

"I told you, I had to suck the poison out of your blood. Your bra was in the way. Don't worry, I didn't see anything. I changed your shirt before I took off your bra. By the way, those things are super hard to get off." He turned around to do something. I was going to kill him. My face was a tomato and I was in a lot of pain.

I just began muttering curses under my breath.

"One you're well enough to get in your feet, we're leaving," he stated.

"Leaving?" I said in disbelief.

"Yes," he said blatantly.


"Berserkers are the Dark Queens dogs basically. If they're here, she sent them. She knows I busted out of the in between and now she's trying to kill me. And in turn, you. Only seeing one was a blessing. They normally travel in packs." I just layed there, staring at him.

"But-but my mom. And my friends. And-what would I do with school?"

"Those things want to kill us. You saw with your friend Candice, they'll kill anyone that gets in their way or in between them and us. Do you really want to put your loved ones in danger like that?" He said it so earnestly that I'd feel like a terrible person if I wanted to stay.

"I guess not."

"Good. We can't waste any time. In a few days, we leave." He began walking around the room and throwing stuff in my back pack. I could only assume he dumped out the contents to fill it with stiff.

"Won't people wonder why I'm not at school for those few days?" I wondered.

"Probably. We'll just have to figure it out. Perhaps I'll attempt to move us tomorrow. Ugh, why can't you just be a normal servant and be useful for a change?"

"Excuse me? Who washed your underwear for you?" I was appalled by his attitude.

"Please. That's nothing. A good servant would have offered to do it. Not have to be told." He scolded.

"What? Do you just expect me to cater in you hand and limb. You're the one who forced- that's right- forced me into this. It's your fault if you expected me to just bow down and accept it." I scrunched my face in pain. How deep is this stupid wound anyway?

He took a deep breath in and let if out before saying, "What you said is true. I apologize for my outburst." He said flatly. "How are you feeling?" He asked. I didn't look at him.

"Like shit." He hummed a response. His words had stung. I could feel that ball in my throat beginning to form. Why did I feel bad that he yelled at me? Did I actually care about what this idiot thinks? I remembered that he could read my mind, and imagined a large brick wall.

I was a terrible person. Selfish. Cruel. My own mother never really wanted me. I guess my existence is more of a burden than anything.

I saw the tears forming in my vision and tried to hold it back. But one slipped and rolled down towards my ear. I thanked my lucky stars that Amos didn't see. What would he think of me then? Probably that I was weak. That just caused another tear to roll escape. Damn.

I reached up to dry my eyes but the motion sent a shockwave of pain three ugh my body. I grunted in pain, which caught Amos's' attention. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot.

"What's wrong?" He asked as if he already knew, but he wanted me to tell him anyway.

"Nothing. Stop looking at me." My voice cracked and I could feel that ball in my throat trying to burst. Tears just started streaming down my face. I couldn't even wipe them away. Which only made them flow faster.

"Ok. Ok. I'm sorry. I can see your brick wall, just let it down. I could help you." He moved me gently so that I was laying on his lap. He was playing with my hair and wiping my tears away.

I did as he said, I took down my brick wall and told him with my mind what was wrong. Just then, I caught a glimpse of his sorrow. He was so lonely. Not only lonely but his heart was broken. I don't know what caused it, but I could just tell. I tried to not focus on it in fear that he'd see what he'd just showed me.

I can help you... Those words echoed in my head as my eyes got heavy and slows shut.

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