Chapter 33: people and their mystery

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Thanks to the windows in his room, I could see when the sun was out. It was the middle of the night, or day really. It would be the best time to sneak back into my room without being caught. I got out of bed slowly.

I remember as a kid I'd sneak into my moms bed and sleep with her. She hated when I did that, so I'd always sneak out the next morning before she woke up. I learned to move a little, stop, move a little, then stop again. This would cause less aggravation to the sleeper and would make it less likely for them to wake up. At least, I hoped. When I was finally standing on my feet I looked back at Amos. Looking back, I felt bad for reminding him about Jack. Then again, he was the one that hadn't told me. So in a way, it's both of our faults.

It was so late that no one was awake. And I thanked my lucky stars for that. I walked into my bedroom only to find Cicil standing there, with a small light in her hands. A candle, it was a candle. I mentally smacked myself.

"Cicil? Er, what are you doing here? It's so late-"

"This used to be Jacks room," her voice was filled with sorrow.

"What?" I looked around the room once more, the bed was worn. Now that think about it, I'd been sleeping in a dead mans old room. The thought was sad, and creepy at the same time.

"You undoubtedly learned the truth, have you not?" She looked at me in the eyes. This shocked my at first, but I saw the red around the rim and knew. Cicil had been crying.

"Yes," my voice was soft and weak.

"I assume you don't know Jack was my brother," she laughed softly. I could feel my eyes widen.

"No," I said slowly in disbelief. I had just recently learned what fate had befallen Jack, and I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. "That's why Amos- never mind," I mumbled. So they weren't a thing, more like he probably felt guilty for Jack.

"Look, I don't know what circumstances led to your servitude. But please, tell me he at least values my brothers life, his sacrifice," her voice cracked. I laughed sadly.

"Of course he did. Me ending up being his servant was one of necessity. We both didn't want it. And to be honest, I could tell he was hiding something from me, something that made him sad. I guess that was your brothers passing." I tried to reassure her. But she didn't look like it made her feel any better.

"My brother was a traitor," she growled as she walked by me. "It would have been better if the prince felt nothing at all," she spat angrily. I was taken back by her reaction.

I couldn't sleep at all after all. I was so taken back by people in general. No one will ever react how you think they will, no matter how much you want them to. I didn't know whether to hate Cicil or pity her ignorance. But one way or another, I knew she hated me.

Cicil accompanied me to take breakfast to the princes, meaning Jericho was back. I was getting immensely curious where he went and why. Cicil ignored me throughout our duties though. I didn't want to talk to her either way.

Amos was up too, taking a shower. I set his food on his nightstand.

Breakfast is here. Don't let it go cold or I'll eat it.

Thanks mom.

I also set out his clothes and went to take care of Jericho. I almost missed making fun of these dumb asses. This whole servant thing made me feel less than human really. Like just a tool that can be replaced. I knew I wasn't a tool, but I couldn't help but feel that way. When they make fun of me, or even talk to me, I feel more human. Or, whatever I am now.

"Look who's back," I said as I walked into Jerichos room. He just mumbled a response. "So, where did you go?" I grabbed his clothes and took them over to him.

"Shut up slave, I don't need to answer your question," he barked. I winced a little, but tried not to let it show how much it hurt me. I was hoping he'd at least talk to me, what an idiot I was. I shouldn't have expected anything from him. I began dressing him in silence.

"I see that after a week you still haven't lost that red tint when you're dressing a man," he laughed.

"Creep," I grumbled to him. This only made him laugh more.

"What had happened since my absence? Cicil wouldn't say anything today." I looked up at him, he looked almost concerned. Almost. He mostly looked like a pouting child.

"Nothing much has happened," I said robotically. He just looked at me, questioning if I was telling the truth.

I finished my duties for Jericho in silence, and then went to Amos's room. Amos had finally gotten out of the shower. And...he was in just a towel again. I hated him.

"Put some clothes on you perv!" I tossed his clothes at him.

"Why? Do I embarrass you?" I could tell he was smirking.

"Hell yes you do," I could feel how red my face was. I had covered my eyes and turned around so he could at least put on underwear. "I mean seriously, it's like you like to see me red. Wait! You don't do this on purpose right?" His answer would tell me whether to punch him in his stupid teeth or not.

"I mean, it's a perk, but no. I do this because I want to. I'm sorry it's so inconvenient for you," he chuckled. That wasn't what a very definitive answer. "Ok, listen up. I'll dress myself. Take the dishes to the kitchen and come straight back-"

"Why?" I turned around to look at him. At least he had underwear on.

He swallowed hard. "Because, we are going to meet my fiancé today," he sounded afraid and disgusted. 

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