Chapter 16: Run

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I didn't like that I just opened up to him like that. Perhaps it was that he was my master now. But I didn't like telling anyone my problems. Not even my best friends. I'd hardly known this guy for a week, let alone years, like my friends. And then last night I just decided to lay out all my problems to him? I was ashamed with myself. I felt more selfish than ever. 

My dream was pure chaos. I could hardly tell what any of it was or what it meant. Suddenly it all slowed down and there was nothing but darkness. Something whispered in my ear.

Then my eyes shot open. I was laying on Amos's' lap still. He was asleep agains the bed.

I instinctively went to move but froze. Wasn't I supposed to be in pain? I slowly lifted up my shirt to see my bandages. They were sainted red by my blood. I moved my arm a bit more, there was a little pain, but not as much as yesterday.

I went to remove the bandages, but Amos's' hand came up and grabbed mine.

"It's not completely healed." He stared down at me.

"I'm not in as much pain," I stated.

"You're body is linked to mine. You've been feeding off my energy while you slept. You're probably almost healed then." He  began to get up. So I moved my head off of his lap.

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier? I thought I'd take a few days to heal or something." I felt angry.

"I'd forgotten about it. I know these things. It's easy to forget that you don't. Sorry." He laughed awkwardly. "We should going today then. It's a good thing you heal fast. We may be running sooner rather than later."


"I can't make out for sure, but I think they've found us."

"What?" I whispered loudly.

"I can sense them in the area. If we get moving we might be able to evade them." He picked up the bag he had prepared last night. "Let's grab some food and go."

We both tiptoed quietly down to the kitchen. I went to turn on the light but Amos grabbed my hand and shook his head. 

I rummaged through the cupboards first and found som easy stuff to fit the bag. Ritz, chocolate chips (definitely need these), roman. I decided against the fridge. It's not like we had a portable refrigerator to keep any of the stuff cold. Accept...I went and grabbed a few sodas and waters.

The light clicked on. We both spun around at that moment. Mom. She was standing there. Her eyes analyzing the situation. The bag around Amos. Amos. The food I had.

"Who is this?" Mom said snootily.

"My name-" he sounded offended "-is Amos. I am your daughters boyfriend." He walked over and put his arm around my waist. I looked at him as if he was crazy. "Best not to hide it love." He gave me a wink. Now my face turned red.

"So that's who you've been hiding in your room. You've been hiding a boy here?! May. I'm just appalled." She sounded appalled too.

"Trust me, we've don't nothing to reprimand. But it has come to my attention that you are an unfit mother. Emotionally and slightly physically, abusive. Therefore I am taking her away. For yours and her sake." What the crap was Amos doing?!

I see her darkness remember. If you focus, you can see it too. I heard his voice in my head. What does seeing her darkness have to do with this?

I shut everything out besides mom. I was staring so hard I wasn't blinking. Mom was yelling or something, but I wasn't paying attention.

Suddenly I saw a spark, or a faint out line of a shadow appear. It was gone as soon as I tried to see it more clearly though.


"We have to go. Now." He said urgently. I knew exactly why. I could feel them now too. That strange presence. It was a Berserker.

"Just know I love you mom."

"You don't do this to people you love." She said coldly.

If only she knew what I was doing for her.

I felt tears well in my eyes but I pushed them back.

Amos and I began running. Right out the door and down the streets. It was still a little dark outside so we tried to stick to the shadows.

I heard a yip, an echo, not too far from us. We began to run harder.

Never have I realized just how out of shape I was. I was panting and sweating like crazy. My legs were pumping but they were starting to cramp. I kept telling myself that if I didn't run  I'd die.

Amos saw my struggle and grabbed my hand to pull me along.

Hang in there. He sounded a bit afraid. Some servant I was turning out to be.

Once we had gotten out side the neighborhood we stopped running. Red lights and all. They turned green quickly though, considering it was still early and there were few cars out.

The one thing Berserkers got going for them is their hearing. Their eyesight is decent and their smelling is like a human nose. So we should probably only talk through our link for now.

Look at you. Being so master-y.

That isn't even a word. I saw the are-you-serious look.

Where are we going now? I asked.

This way. He didn't even know! Away from them. That's where we're going. I was still skeptical. But hey, he was the master and I was the servant. You're right about that.

No need to sound so smug. And hey! Stop reading my thoughts! That's just rude. I don't read his thoughts.

That's because I don't allow you to. It's so hard not to listen to you. You're so loud. I saw that darned smirk.

I just tried not to focus on my heavy panting. How hot I must look by now.

Once we had run a decent ways Amos finally brought us to a stop. I was panting hard and my chest hurt like hell. My throat was dry too. I chugged the water down.

I noticed Amos was panting pretty badly too and offered the water. He took it and drank it greedily.

"Grows." I wiped the sweat from my head. I quickly covered my mouth. What had Amos said about their excellent hearing? Not to mention I tasted the saltiness of the sweat from my hand.

"I think we may be far enough away." There was silence. Then a hip and a snarl.

Amos and I looked at each other. We knew we couldn't run. We were too exhausted. And the sun was up so shadows were scarce. We'd have to hide and pray they didn't find us.

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