Part 14: the Berserker

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I slept on the ground last night. I still locked my door too.

The next morning I heard Amos lightly snoring. Or was it just heavy breathing? Either way, I could hear him.

I tried to remember my dream from last night. I was back at the in between, except it was more dream like. Those things that would always evade your gaze were doing just that. Except one popped up in front of me. It scared me and when I closed my eyes I couldn't open them. Then a voice, so quiet and smooth, whispered, "Empress". Then the dream ended.

My alarm went off and I got up to turn it off. Before I could get to it, Amos smashed it with a shadow hammer.

"Hey!" I growled at him.

"Mm?" He peeled one sleepy eye open.

"Don't break things. Especially because now I don't have anything that can tell me when to wake up." I put my hands on my hips and glared at him.

"It was annoying. Didn't you want to smash it?" His voice was groggy still.

"Yeah, but- whatever." I went to get dressed. I grabbed a hoodie and some leggings. I wasn't in the mood to try today.

I threw my hair in a ponytail and called it good.

Amos was still sleeping in my bed.

"Come on. We have school," I barked.

"Go without me."

"What if my mom finds you in here? No, you come with me. Come on. I'll take you in your pjs if you don't get up soon." He scrunched his face before getting up.

"Screw you. I'm going in my pjs anyway." He had a look of triumph in his face. I rolled my eyes. I didn't care.
"Hey Bree!" I hopped into her car. I missed her. My only company has been Amos.

"Hey! What happened to your cheek?" I'd forgotten that I had been cut.

"Huh? Oh. I have no idea. I think I just itched it too much." I laughed. She seemed skeptical, but didn't press it.

"Silly." She mumbled as she started the car.

Her demeanor fell when she saw Amos in the back seat.

"So, Amos, how long are you staying again?" There was hidden resentment in her 'kind' words.

"Still not sure. But I find that wherever May goes, I just have to go with her." I could tell he was referring to my dragging him here with me. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh. That's great. You two becoming good friends then? Have you two known each other long?" She asked with legitimate curiosity.

"We may be family, but no, we hadn't met till recently." He smiled. It seemed so fake. I just kept silent.

After that, it was a pretty quite ride to school. I understood why Bree didn't like Amos, but I couldn't help but want her to like him. I mean, if I was bound to him for eternity, I'd like my best friend to somewhat like him. But after that police encounter I doubt she will. It was sweet how protective her and Candice were.

In Mrs. Shives class Amos made it apparent about how bored he was. Kept flicking things at me. Good thing he was a terrible shot. He soon ran out of ammo and was forced into sitting quietly and listening to the teacher.

Why do I care about how your presidents are given power? He whined in my head.

This is my history. Be kind. I scolded him. He just sulked after that.

He finally fell asleep in Math class. I didn't blame him. I wanted to sleep too. In fact, I could feel my eyelids slipping.

I shook my head to wake myself awake.

Alright. I thought to myself. It's just math.

Was that a growl? I was getting distracted. Maybe it was just Amos. But why would he growl? Whatever. This number...

Amos shot up from his nap. Some people turned to look.

"Well good morning princess." I didn't look up from my math.

"We have to run." He said loudly.

"What? Why?" I looked at him like he was crazy. I mean, he did sound pretty crazy.

"Don't argue. We have to get out of here." He got up and began to leave.

"Wha-" a odd yipping sound came from behind me. I turned towards the teacher. There was something behind him. It looked like a man that was halted morphed with a hyena. Or a wolf. It's eyes were different sizes

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