Chapter 49: the precinct

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After some of the things I've been through, I'd like to think I've gotten pretty brave. But, the universe just liked to screw me over with making me scared out of my mind when a bright light is being shined in my face.

"Excuse me miss, do you know you can't sleep here," he said curtly. By his time I could only assume either police, or security, and I highly doubted the later.

"Oh, erm, I'm sorry, I-I-"

"Miss, what happened to you?" I could barely see after he removed his darn flashlight from my eyes.

"Well, see, nothing. This is fake. I was at a party and- a costume party, got pretty crazy. I was crazy hung-drunk. I was drunk. And I crashed wherever, I guess here. Sorry, I-"

"Where was this party ma'am?" He was not buying it from that tone of voice.

"I don't really remember, it's all kind of- Ow!" He touched my bad arm, which hurt mind you.

"Yeah, I'm going to need you to come with me." There was no doubt, he was police. Shoot.
You know, I'm surprised that the first place the police take a damaged woman, is the precinct. Sure, a medical examiner came in and cleaned me up a bit, but that was it.

I saw the medical guy talking to the police officer though.

He walked into the interrogation room soon after that conversation.

Looking at myself in the window/mirror, I could see just how bad I looked. My hair was a mess. And my face was covered with dry blood. I made a mental note to try to get a shower as soon as possible...and some new clothes.

The police officer walked into the room with a sour look on his face. He looked like a police officer. Toned arms, meaning he probably had a toned body. Plus he had a hook nose, like it had been broken before.

"Broken arm, sprained ankle, multiple lacerations all over the body. The list goes on. Could you tell me what really happened? Was it abuse?"

All I could do was laugh, "I don't think you'd believe me if I told you."

"Try me," he stated. He was serious too, he wanted to know.

"Alright. The building I was in collapsed. Fell through the floor," I stated matter-of-factly.

"Really? That's the story you're going with?" Did this guy seriously not believe me?

I rolled my eyes at him. "Whatever. Don't believe me Officer," I squinted to see the name, "Ebender. I'm curious though, if my arms broken, why isn't it getting casted? I mean, it hurts like hell." Not to mention it looks like it too. It was kind of bent in an odd shape, plus it was purple and bruised.

"I wanted to talk to you first-"

"Against his saying?" I pointed at the guy standing in the corner, the guy who looked over my wounds. He did not looked please.

"Ok, you're right. I'll send you to a hospital. I just need your name and home address," he ordered. He had his pen and paper ready to go. I couldn't help but smirk slightly.

"Nope." He froze and looked at me with a deadly glare.

"It's not a question. Either answer it, or we'll have to run your fingerprints," he threatened. I scoffed. I doubted that my fingerprints would come back as anything. Right?

"Go ahead." I tried acting tough, but winced when I tried to shift positions.

"Get her finger prints after we get her patched up, she clearly is in pain. And if what she says is true, there could be even more wrong with her," the other guy said urgently.

They both got up and left the room arguing. I took a deep breath and cleared my mind. I needed to borrow her power now. Just a little.


I wanted for a second. And...nothing.

Since you asked so nicely. Suddenly that same powerful feeling I had when she possessed my body came over me, except it was less intense, and less invasive.

I felt it flow to my limbs, I could feel it healing me. It stung for the less severe wounds, but for my wrist and ankle, it hurt like hell. I let out a howl in pain as the power mended my bones. But it was quick, it hurt for a few moments, but then was replaced with a warm  feeling. Unfortunately, I still let out a scream, that meant they were coming.

A quick glance in the mirror showed that my servants mark had appeared. A little less than obvious might I add. Plus, I didn't quite know how to use her powers. Oh god. And there were security cameras in these rooms.

I faced my now healed arm in the direction of the camera and shot out...some tentacle looking thing. That worked. Now for the men barging into the room.

I remembered that I could use my darkness to see others darkness. It was strange though, because along with the darkness, I saw their light. One was consumed by sorrow, but held together by an urge to help people. While the other was angry and tended to become quickly violent, but would never harm anything innocent.

It made me a little sick that I knew them so well. I knew how to seize control of their darkness, and with these new found powers, I found it was easy.

As soon as I had a hold of them, they froze, their eyes instantly going lax from a panicked state.

It wasn't hard to get out of the cuffs. What I wasn't expecting was some odd vines to wrap around them and break it. Getting out of here might be harder.

I had to force my self not to look at their darkness/light At least all I was doing is making them sleep. Almost like giving them anesthesia, or knocking them out. Whichever.

After they both laid on the floor I had to think of how to get out of here...

Sometimes I hate how I couldn't think of anything useful to get me out of these situations. How about I go out and see what happens?

I peaked my head out of the room, and tiptoed out, closing the door behind me. I noticed I wasn't floating this time, probably because I wasn't at "full power". I crept around the corner, and all eyes were on me. Worst time to for any anxiety to kick in.

I swallowed. "Uh, anyone know where the bathroom is?" I laughed nervously. There weren't many people there, most likely due to the late hour. You know, it looked like one of the police stations you'd see on tv. I tried to avoid looking too closely at the people, didn't want to get to know them.

I didn't know if they were deciding to trust me or not. I mean, I did look like a building fell on me.

I hated myself.

Oh god, I also had my servants mark showing. I must also look a little bit like a freak.

Someone finally pointed over to the wall. After looking I saw there was a cut out for a hall to be. I mumbled a thanks and quickly scurried off to the bathroom to see if I could get out that way.

I'm the bathroom there was a small window, nothing I could fit in. But at least I could wipe some of the grime off of me.

I almost smacked myself upside the head when I realized I could just use my powers to get out of the window.

"Could I just break the wall?" I mumbled to myself. I mean, I could. But I'd feel bad about doing it. What if I broke it, than fixed it? I'd try that.

As soon as I blasted my way through the wall, all hell seemed to break loose. I heard everyone in the precinct get up and start making a loud ruckus. I guess I didn't take into account the noise. Oh well.

I started running as fast as I could away from this place.

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