Chapter 29: maid duties

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I got on and off sleep that night. But, when I got up I was aching all over. My shoulders hurt and I had a headache. This was supposed to be my bed? For my entire time here? I was going to die here. Plus, I was tired due to lack of sleep.

A knocking on my door is what got me out of my bed. My bed. That thought left a sour taste on my tongue. I guess I took too long getting up because my door opened and Cicil came in.

Cicil was tall, taller than me. She was that tall and skinny type. Although she was naturally thin, she looked like some of her skinniness was due to malnutrition. Her blonde hair was pulled into a bun on the back of her head now, but when I met her her hair was down. It was long, it fell a little above her waist. She wore a gray dress that was worn by all servants. Marking her, and I, as servants of the dark. I can't believe I just thought that. I made a mental note to bleach my mind later.

"You must wake at five thirty every day. I'll make sure you do so, but I don't want you to be a burden to me, so please, try to get up on your own." How did she sound so sweet but yet so harsh?

"I will. Is there any way to tell what time it is in here?" This place didn't have any windows. It's hard to tell what time it is in an always dark room.

"You're not from around here are you?" She clasped her hands in frond of her.

"No no. I'm from Earth. Or-" is that an accurate way to describe that I'm not from here?

"Ah. I see. I suppose you'll have a lot to learn. Please, try to keep up. Get dressed. I'll wait outside your room." She closed the door quietly. I tried to get the god awful grey dress on quickly so that I didn't make her wait long. But god, was it horrible. It was itchy, and it fit awkwardly. On the plus side, it made my chest look huge. On the down side, it clung to my stomach and arms, making them look fat. I guess I'd just have to suck it up. No one looks good in a maid outfit. Or...servant.

I stumbled out of my room and into the long hallways that housed all the other servants. Cicil was waiting patiently outside my room.

"You are quick. Good. Now, let us go and get some breakfast," she said dryly.

"We eat first?" If think we ate after we got whatever we needed to get done done.

"It is early. The lord's wont wake till later normally, unless for a special occasion. It is easier to eat now so it doesn't interfere with out daily duties. We have a mid day break around the time the royal family sits down for lunch."

"Oh." Was all I could say. The hallway lead to the kitchen. Agnes was there, stirring something in her pot, not looking at anyone. There were already a few people here. It was surprisingly lax atmosphere. Many of the women were giggling, while the men were laughing heartily over something. They all seemed happy. Why didn't Cicil seem happy?

We got in line to get breakfast. Breakfast consisted of a piece of fruit with some gray slop that looked similar to oatmeal or creamy wheat. That was it. No wonder it looked like everyone here was a little on the skinny side.

"Now, I shall help you with bringing the meals to the lords, but you'll be responsible for cleaning their room. Their laundry, their bedding especially. You must lay out their clothes after you bring in their meals and then dress them either they've finished eating or taken a bath. Do you understand?" That was a lot of information to absorb. I just nodded. If I didn't understand, I'd figure it out later. "Good. In the afternoon, and supper you won't be required to take them their meals; for they will eat together in the dining room. You are required to make sure that they are comfortable or they need anything before you go to bed. Do you understand?" I nodded again.

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