Chapter 45: wedding?

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I looked better than I did when I was in that god forsaken dress before. I still hated it though. Cicil helped me get ready in silence. I couldn't tell if she liked me, or hated me. Probably both. I couldn't blame her really.

When it was time Agnes banged on the door saying, "come on girly, oo'll be late fer yer own weddin'." I sighed and followed Agnes where the wedding was taking place. It was just in the garden.

I wasn't too disappointed by the scenery. The stars were above us, and the smell of everything made me feel more comfortable. Maybe this won't be so bad.

As soon as I turned the corner, and saw Cantos standing at the end of the little walkway, my stomach dropped. I took a deep breath and continued walking.

With everyone's eyes on me, I could feel my face turn bright red from embarrassment. And just looking at him, and all his features all I could think was that we'd make ugly babies.

Try not to for my kids sake, Amos's words flooded my mind. I looked around everywhere, but I couldn't see him. All I saw were three familiar faces, and a crowd of others I didn't know.

When I finally reached the end, I didn't take his had that he outstretched to me.


"Don't," I cut him off.

"Alright you lovebirds," I knew that voice, "ready to get hitched, don't answer that," it was Onsal! I don't know why I was glad to see him, but I was.

"Yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah. Ah here ye are. Do you Cantos San Humat, take May Kole, to be yer wife?" He didn't look me in the eye as he mumbled a yes.

"And do you," that's when he said something I couldn't make out. But it was strange, once he said it, I felt liquid gold filled my body. Like I was only one half of a hole being put together with my other half.

I felt so different now, like, now the liquid gold was seeping out of my body and engulfing all around me. Not just that, but I didn't seem in control of my own actions. Like I had been pushed to the side and something else was taking over. All I could do was watch.

"Aha! I knew it! I knew ye was in there!" Onsal yelled. "Empress. I am yer humble servant." He bowed to me.

"I was not ready to be released you fool," I scolded. My voice sounded different now, more echo-y and more authority behind it. "Now I must fix this mess. You," the non-me pointed at Cantos, "you irritate me." With a solid flow of movements the non-me wrapped sickly thick tentacles of darkness around Cantos and tore him apart, leaving only a mangled corpse in its wake.

When I, or it, turned to move, I didn't seem to need to touch the ground. Part of me wanted to look down, but I didn't. I simply floated, yep, floated, it was really happening, into the castle. Past the gawking eyes, and a groveling Onsal.

What are you doing? I asked myself.

You already know. It is what we wish. What the heck does that mean?! I wanted power over my body! In due time. I must do something. Like what?

As I wandered down the hall I saw Avel. She looked at me, and frowned.

"Aren't you supposed to be getting married? What happened to your dress? Servant, I order you to tell me!" She whined like a small child.

"You are terribly annoying." Non-me waved her hand and suddenly Avels dress was turned into moss, and living things began to grow out of it. The shill shriek of her voice was enough to wake the dead, but I just moved past her.

I knew this way, we were heading to Amos's room. I didn't even knock I just threw the door open. What is wrong with me? 

The sudden sound made him turn around quickly from the mirror and look at me. "May?" Was all he said.

"Come, we haven't much time." I held out my hand. Not much time? Why? Amos just looked at me skeptically, not knowing what to do.

The Queen and Jericho came bursting into the room. Both looked at me, startled. If only I could tell them how startled I was.

"I knew something about you didn't smell right," the queen purred, with a menacing tone. 

"May?" Jericho looked dumbfounded. Like someone just smacked him with a fish.

"It is over Celeste. These games you play will be stopped," I sounded threatening. Yay me! Or, non-me.

"I've always wondered what it would take to kill an Empress." The queens off colored red eyes lit up with murderous intent as a whip like darkness reached out and came after me. Since I was floating, I simply moved to the side, but another one came right after me.

Non-me sent a wake of that thick darkness towards her and lunged for Amos, who stood there like a guppy. I grabbed him, and suddenly the wind picked up. It kept going and going until finally, after what seemed like forever, it was gone.

When non-me finally opened her eyes I looked up at the stars above me, or the lack of stars that is.

What has been done cannot be undone, I am with you forever, but for now, have your body back. We have a long road ahead of us.

I felt the liquid gold leave, but not the other half. And as it did, I felt the darkness consume me.
Hey guys, sorry for the late update. I really had to think about what I wanted to happen here. Also, you know, write it. How is it so far? This was my shit hitting the fan, but there is more to come! So get ready for more shit! That was a little unnecessary, but it was kinda fun to say. Hehe.

Hugs and murder

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