Chapter 53: tormented soul

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This hallway seemed so much longer than it actually was. And once I entered it, there were stairs. I followed the stairs up to the top and found...yet another door! I punched the darn thing before opening it.

After I opened it I saw immediately that this was the throne room. I had entered the door that was on the side of the throne though.

I crept in hoping that maybe I'd get the element of surprise. Unfortunately for me, it was me who got the surprise.

It felt like my heart stopped for a moment, and I couldn't breathe. Amos was laying there, on the floor. That wouldn't have worried me so much other than his eyes. His eyes where what stopped my heart. His eye were familiar, I'd seen them before. They looked like Onsals. Sunken in and hollow looking. They no longer had the stormy blue color to them.

That's when I knew. I knew exactly when too. That's why Onsals death seem to hurt to badly. It wasn't him that hurt. It was Amos. It was Amos's death that I felt.

I knew, but I didn't want to admit it. The fact that I was alive said to me that some part of me died with him.

Even though I knew he was dead. That didn't stop me from denying it. I walked towards him like I expected him to get up and give me some snide remark.

The world seemed dark except for him. I knew the queen was there, but I ignored her. I was hyper focused on Amos.

I dropped down onto my knees to see him close up. My knees were instantly soaked with the blood of my master. A hole was in his chest where his heart should be.

I could tell the queen was talking, but her words were drowned out. I stroked masters hair. I screamed apologies in my mind, but I dared not speak.

When I felt the ground shake that's when I snapped my head towards the queen.

Her eyes were colored with some silver makeup making her a deadly beauty. But, she no longer scared me. I didn't know if she knew just how bad of a mistake she had made.

She walked down the stairs with elegance and I thought to myself: I needed to throw her off. That's when the room actually started to turn black. I let rage consume me and poor out of me like a nest of flies would burst out of a corpse. She didn't seem fazed though.

I pointed at the ground and this made her lift an eye brow. I smiled as a hand made of Earth and stone reached out to grab her.

I'll admit, she dodged it rather effectively, but she was a hair too slow, that's when I knew I was going to kill her.

I sent wave after wave of different things her way. I caught er her leg and threw her across the room. A satisfying trail of blood dropped from her nose. I took great pride in seeing some fear in her anger soaked mismatched eyes.

I didn't stop there. I chased her all around the room. She tried getting at me. She'd even managed to hit me, but I didn't flinch. It no longer hurt. I no longer cared.

The room was coated in a dark fog, so I didn't know how she saw me, but I could see her. It was my darkness, I could sense her with it.

Her elegant dress was ripped and shredded. Her arms were cut and bruised. Even her eye was swollen. I didn't care that I had done this to her.

Finally, I cornered her. She was out of breath and I could tell she had reached the end of her stamina. I made a wall of earth erupt out of the ground. She tried fighting, but it was useless. I pushed it further and further. Her screams were probably the only thing that made me flinch. They were piercing and laced with pain.

Until they stopped. The wall had no more room to push forward. I had flattened her to a pancake. The dark fog in the room finally started to fade and that's when I felt tears stinging my cheeks.

I looked back at Amos. His skin was so pale, it was so contrast to the blood surrounding him. I wanted to destroy this world. These people no longer deserves the life they were given. I could feel her trying to take over, but I wouldn't let her. I didn't need her to help me. I didn't need her to know that we were going to destroy this world.

In a funny sense, it seems like no one really needed me. No one needs someone like this. A being with this much power doesn't really have a place. I couldn't go back home to my friends. My mother.

Now that I think about it, that's a I really had going for me. It's sad to think my life turned out to be so short. So meaningless. I'd never been much for the whole "depression" scene but now that I look at my life...I was completely justified to be alone. Most of the world sucked. And it took losing one of my closest friends to realize that.

This is ancient knowledge, May. The world doesn't truly need us, but to only act as a guide. It is sometimes a harsh truth, but one I, we, must learn to accept.

"Can't you bring him back?" I whispered to her. I clung to my thoughts as they raced through my head. She could. His soul, it goes back to the void. We can pass freely there, why can't we bring him back?

That is not possible. You see. A soul may keep certain traits, but that is not what makes up a being. Consciousness, heart, a soul, merely parts of a whole. You're friend is gone forever I'm afraid. Although his soul lives on.

"That's stupid," I choked. It is the way. Screw the stupid way, I wanted to shout angrily.

My cheeks were wet with my tears. I had been standing there, staring at Amos. My mind reeling. It wasn't until I heard footsteps approaching that I actually moved.

I turned to see Jericho standing there. He looked cool and composed but his darkness spoke volumes. He was riled and concerned. I found it was getting easier to read the darkness.

His eyes looked around the room. First meeting me, then they fell to Amos. He looked for his mother and only found a wall of dirt against the wall of stone. The blood seeping out of the cracks helped clarified who died there.

"This world is going to start a new. Perhaps it should go without for a while. It seems everyone's spirit is restless." The words came from me, but sounded like her. I figured that was the best name for it. Er, her.

"So what? You're going to consume the world in fire just because your boyfriend died?" I couldn't help but laugh. He was completely serious.

"No, not because he is gone, but the circumstances of his death. Do you not think I know the queen was to blame for the king? Or that she thought he loved Amos more than you? No, I watched it all. It is corrupt. Perhaps the darkness was not meant to be controlled, nor light." I straightened out, brushed the dirt off of my clothes.

"And May? Where is she?" I was here, but I didn't want to be honestly. Looking at him seemed to hurt.

"Here. But not for long. She served her purpose. So now, it is time for her to slumber, as I did. It is quite interesting, her take on the world."

"And what is that?" I felt my lips smile without my say so, but that's all I felt.

As if closing my eyes to sleep, the world around me turned black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2017 ⏰

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