Chapter 23: lets go; creep

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I let out a groan. Everything hurt and I wanted the role to know. My neck ached. My head ached. My side, arms, legs, hell, even my eyes ached. Getting into a car crash was terrible. As I opened my eyes and looked around I saw that I was in some sort of store room. There were two berserkers there as well. I gasped in shock,  it all they did was stand there and watched us with hungry eyes.

There were metal shelves in here as well, with toilet paper, sponges, wash clothes, etc. they were bolted into the wall as well. How did I know? My hands were tied around one of them and it wouldn't move at all. I looked over my shoulder and saw Amos was tied up behind me as well. He was still knocked out.

As I was trying to wriggle out of the ties I heard the door creak open.

"Look who's wake." A snide voice said. I looked up and say the man who called Amos his brother. This time he didn't have the full face coverup.

His eyes struck me the most. His eyes were so dark they looked black, like a demons. He had that confident smirk on his face as well as a horrible, deadly, gleam to his eye. He didn't look like Amos at all. His eyes were more...pointy and his nose was small. He has a smaller face and a more muscular build. He might be younger than Amos, but he didn't look like it.

"Let us go you creep," I growled.

He raked his hand through his starlight like hair and put a fake pout in his face. "It's not nice to call people creeps sweetheart. It hurts their feelings." He broke his fake pout and began chuckling.

"Don't call me sweetheart," I growled again. I wiggled a bit more. "Why isn't Amos awake yet?" I said with force.

"Amos? Perhaps because he's weak." He shrugged.

"If you were in a car crash I'm sure you'd be knocked out too." I tried to defend Amos.

"So you're his new servant hm? How...interesting you are." He squatted down and began investigating me. I just blew a raspberry at him.

He smirked, standing up. "No wonder he chose you. You've got a childish side." He began heading for the door.

"Wait! I have to pee." I did too. I could feel my bladder screaming at me. Also, if I could fit in a little heroic escape, it wouldn't be too terrible.

"Oh? Do you really?" I felt pressure in the back of my mind. I cried out in pain, and then it was gone.

"What the hell?"

"Seems so. But if you try that little escape plan you're going to regret it." I saw his darkness erupt from his back and loop around my back to clasp my hands. In the process, the ties fell to the floor. They forced me to my feet and I followed this man.

"How did you do that?" A tone of anger was in my voice.

"Since you are a servant of a prince I have select power over you as well. None compared to your actual master. But enough to know if you're going to try and escape." He said cockily.

I tried to get a feel for where we were. There were concrete walls and one small window at the end of this long hall. A few door ways with out doors revealed it was dark out side. It wasn't long before we got to the bathroom.

"Go ahead." He pointed to the single toilet in the room, while simultaneously letting my hands free. I rubbed my wrists and walked over to the toilet. I was about to pull my pants down, when I noticed he was staring at me.

"Uh, could you, I don't know, turn around?"

"No." He said with a flat face.

"I won't go if you're looking." I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to look tough.

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