Chapter 27: the motel

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I've only been in one hotel in my life. So I guess I didn't have that much to go on in terms of cleanliness. But this didn't seem like the cleanest place we could have stayed. It was clear on both Amos and Jerichos face that they found this place disgusting too. The place was cheep though, but Amos just had to do this little mind trick and we were in.

Let me tell you a little bit about this place. We hadn't even walked in the door and you could see hand prints on the window, and the paint peeling away from the door. Plus, the knob was sticky. The place smelled like a fish tank and the floor looked like it was only a dark brown because of the dirt. There was only one stain in the far corner though, so that was a pleasant surprise. The beds didn't look too bad, but I wouldn't hold a black light up in here if my life depended on it. The sheets were a forest green, and the pillows were tinted slightly yellow. I walked into the bathroom to find some rust stains in the sink and tub. The toilet was clean, until you looked around the base. And I was pretty sure when I flipped the light switch on something scurried away from the light.

"This place is unacceptable," Jericho whined.

"Where else would you have us go?" I began setting my bag down and getting my PJs out.


"Perhaps what brother. There is no place closer to the location. If you want one more day to rest, I suggest you learn to deal with less that hospitable environments," Amos snapped. It was something about what he said, it made me uneasy. He came and grabbed his own PJs.

When I say PJs I mean more comfortable clothing that was easier to sleep in than jeans. But you could also wear it if you were feeling lazy. I went to change in the bathroom while the two boys did whatever they were going to do.

I looked at myself in the mirror. Dark circles were under my eyes. My hair was messy and tangled. I ran my hand through it a few times before I gave up and put it in a bun. After changing I splashed some water on my face and went out to grab my toothbrush. My mouth felt gross.

When I walked out I saw Amos and Jericho blatantly ignoring each other. Like children. So much for all high and nightly princes of darkness.

"Hey toddlers, where am I sleeping?" Their heads snapped in my direction.

"On the floor," Jericho mumbled.

"First of all, the floor is disgusting. If you want me to sleep there, you better sleep there too. Second, Amos?" He raised an eyebrow, "could I sleep with you then?" I'd figure I'd ask now than get stuck sleeping on the ground. All he did was nod though.

"Great. I'm going to bed," I stated. I was about to lift up the covers to discover what fresh hell was under the sheets when Jericho said, "actually slave, give me a bath."

"What?!" I felt the blood either leave my face to flood into it.

"Good luck with that. She's quite useless when it comes to that." Amos laughed.

"You're the slave. You have to do as I say."

"Screw you creep. I obey Amos. Also, you could shower in that tub if you want," I smirked mischievously. He hadn't seen how bad the run was.

"Excuse me?" I sighed and grabbed his arm, dragging him to the bathroom.

"Look." I pointed to the rust stains. He just huffed and left the bathroom. That reminded me. Had to brush my teeth.
I woke up before either of the boys. I was surprised how ok the bed actually was. Priorities of the cleaning lady I guess. Or man, i wouldn't judge.

Amos stirred. I brought my knees to my chest and looked at him. I thought back to when he had a fever. What he'd said to me. I'd told myself that I wouldn't let that get to me. He was sick, but... I couldn't help but think about it. If he really hates me, why is he occasionally nice to me.

I can feel you eyes on me. His voice sounded sleepy, even in his head. I smiled a bit.

When you were sick, you said that you were being less "you" for my sake. What did you mean?

There was silence for a little bit before he responded. I'm the prince of darkness. It's only natural that I have a tendency to be dark. What if I told you that I've done some terrible things.

Like what? I didn't know if I was more curious or scared.

Perhaps one day I'll tell you. But just knowing that, would you stay by my side? I could tell how lonely he was. That was one of the only things I could ever tell about him. How could I ever do that to someone? Especially since I know the feeling.

What choice do I have master. I said light heartedly.

"If you two are done. I'd say we should get going." I jumped at the sound of Jerichos voice. I looked out side, the sun was setting.

"Are you sure you're strong enough to send us through to our world?" Amos asked. Not out of concern, but almost like he was mocking him.

"I know my limits. I can effectively deliver us there. Can you control yourself?" He shot a look of daggers at Amos. What was that about?

"Geez. You two are so serious. Shouldn't we get some breakfast or something. Oh my god." I'd just realized something.

"What?" They both asked simultaneously.

"We sleep during the day. And are awake at night. Were like freaking vampires!" I busted up laughing. They both looked so concerned. It was almost sweet.

"Vampires? That's when you think about?" Amos tried to sound upset, but I saw that small smirk.

"Enough of your foolishness. Let us leave this place. Let's go home." I gulped.

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