Chapter 21: car hunting

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I packed up our stuff. Emphasis on the I. Amos just sat there, enjoying the t.v. Talk about a total 180 turn. I thought we were, I don't know, bonding. Getting closer. But apparently not.

Or...he realizes that we've bonded and gotten closer, so he's trying to separate us again. Put distance in between us. But why?

I came the conclusion that is probably just because I'm his servant and what not. Don't want to get too close to the help.

"You're getting better at hiding your thoughts. What are you thinking about?" His intense stormy eyes looked at me. He was curious? I smirked mischievously.

"Curious are we? Well I'm keeping my thoughts to myself." I crossed my arms and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Don't make me order you, servant." His expression darkened, but I saw that slight smirk on his face.

"You know, my names May. Try using once in a while." I finished up packing and turned to Amos. "I was just thinking about where'd we go." I grabbed the remote, turned off the t.v. and began walking out the door. I grabbed the cold knob and looked back. He was still staring at the television. "Come one sick head. We have to get going."

After a moment he got up and walked towards me. I felt his head again. It was normal temperature.

"Ok, now what's wrong with you?" He put a hand over my mouth. The fear in his eyes freaked me out the most. Even when we were being chased by terrifying creatures, never have I seen fear in his eyes like this.

Brother. It was low and smooth. Deadly. A voice that made my eyes widen in horror. Who was talking to us on our link? Amos just pushed a finger to his lips.

Come out and play brother. Brother? Who was this guy?

I looked around frantically. The window. How high up were we? Amos looked at me in confusion. I pointed towards the window and he nodded.

"Wait-" his hand looped around my waist and he flung us both out the window.

I screamed and covered my eyes with my hands as we hurtled towards the ground. I could still feel Amos's arm around my waist.

But then we stopped. I didn't feel any pain. Were we dead?

"We're dead aren't we. Oh god we died." My voice shook.

"May, look." He sounded upset, yet he laughed a bit. I pulled my hands away from my face and opened my eyes. We were inches from the ground. A large shadow hand had formed around us, catching us basically.

I gave Amos a death glare. "Don't ever do that again." He gave me a mischievous smile and replied, "no promises." His eyes went back to the room that we left.

There was someone there. Looking down at us. I couldn't see him every well he was so high up, but I could definitely make out his silver hair.

You can run, but you can't hide. The dangerous voice said in my head. I looked at Amos. He just glared at the individual.

"We have to go May. What's a good mode of transportation?" He grabbed my hand and began dragging me quickly along with him.

"We could catch a train. Or a bus. Or we could-not that won't work." I thought.

"What?" He asked urgently.

"We could either steal a car or go and rent one. Either way it'd be time consuming." I saw him purse his lips as he mulled it over in his head.

"We don't really want the law on our tail, as you said. So we'll have to spend a little bit of time at this rent a car place."

"You're being master-y again. Also, I have no idea where a place like that would be," I huffed.

"Again, not a word. Then we'll have to just 'persuade' someone to give us their car." He actually used air quotes. I could also tell he preferred this plan. He truly was the prince of darkness.

"So, uh, would you mind explaining the guy from the hotel?" I probed.

"Nope," he said flatly. I frowned at him.

"Who was he? Why did he call you brother?" I rattled my questions out.

"He's not my actual brother. He's the son of the queen. He's supposed to be the heir to the throne. That's how it works. But, I was born as a prince, before him might I add. So, technically, I get the throne," he explained.

"So, is that why the queen banished you? Because she wanted her son on the throne?" I fast walked/jogged up to his pace.

"Partially." Was all he said.

"So then...what happened?" I tried to get him to tell me more.

"I'd rather not talk about it right now." I could tell this was a dark subject for him. I could feel it through the link. So I dropped the subject. "There's one I want." He pointed at a blue jeep in a parking lot.

We had walked to a downtown area of some sort. I think. There was a lot of shopping places around. Plenty of cars to choose from.

"Watch and learn little May, I'll get us that car." He gave me a cocky smile, his eyes filled with determination.

"You go boss man." I followed him to the parking lot.

He walked around the car a few times until the owner came out. The owner of the car was a single man with a mohawk and a sleeve of tattoos. Darkness wrapped around his arms, and he was not happy to see us lurking around his car. When Amos asked him to give us his car, he was ready to beat him up. But, Amos used his strange power of manipulation to use the mans darkness against him and make him give us his "baby". We drove away with him staring blankly at the spot we were.

"Is he going to be ok?"

"Yeah. His mind will find a way to fill in the gap without him thinking his car was stolen." A pause. "Shit!"


"I forgot to tell him to not think his car was stolen. Minds finicky that way. Oh well." I moaned in unease.

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