Chapter 47: alone

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I didn't think they'd come after me so quickly. Or, where they coming after me? I had so many questions running through my mind.

It was hard to do anything as the ground rumbled, and cracked beneath us. I was partially surprised that who ever was doing this was destroying something. Weren't they worried about human beings discovering them?

I screamed as I fell, naturally, but I stopped as soon as I hit the ground. Not only did I get the wind knocked out of me, but a ton of bricks fell in top of me. Everything hurt, but what caught my attention was the voices outside of my pile of rubble.

"What bad luck dear brother. Where is the girl?" Jericho.

"How would I know? Probably under ten feet of rubble brother," Amos spat at him.

"Shame. Your luck just goes bad to worse. You'll do." He'll do? Do for what. It didn't take a lot to figure out that he'd take him to bait me. Why didn't he fight? Not like I could ask him, I was still fazed by all the pain.

Fight, was all I could muster.

Come find me. You can do it. That was it. He didn't fight because he wanted me to go and get him. That little shit.

I tried getting up from the pile, but it was too late, Jericho took him. I had half of a mind to leave him, after I got out of this rubble.

It took me a minute. Since it severely hurt to even touch my arm, I'm pretty sure it was broken. I mean, something landed on it pretty hard, I wouldn't be surprised. Not only did my arm hurt, but my head was bleeding and various parts of my body ached.

"SON OF A!" Even walking hurt.

I heard sirens getting closer. I had to suck it up and run, even though it hurt like hell. Not the best time to notice that I was in the god awful wedding dress. I looked like a disaster, a bride disaster.

I could not believe me. I was running and chuckling by how funny I was.
This whole situation was whoever my father was fault. I didn't want to place blame or anything, but it was definitely his. If he wasn't from there I wouldn't be in this mess.

I was bitter, and tired. Who knew that sleeping during the day would cause this much exhaustion.

All that kept running through my mind was how I'd get Amos back. It's not like I could go back there. I guess I could ask her. But...I didn't even know how to do that. I had assistance every time I did.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I noticed people looking at me. I was covered in dirt and blood, plus a tattered wedding dress. I had to hobble away quickly before anyone began asking questions.

I couldn't help but feel angry, and confused. I found a park that I could sit down at and rest my pained leg. It looked like a ghetto park, which meant that no one, except gang members, would come here. Hopefully.

"Ok, Amos has been taken, the queen is freaking out. I need you. So, please?" I didn't exactly know what would happen if I asked, but nothing should have been. Maybe if I meditated?

After a few minutes of sitting with my eyes closed I discovered that I had no idea how to meditate. I know you had to clear your mind, but my mind wouldn't shut up. It was racing with all my thoughts and feelings.

I bit my lip and began shaking my leg impatiently.

"Hey!" I jumped at the sudden person standing before me. "What do you think you're doing girl? This is black crane territory."

"This is a park," I said, unamused.

"Didn't you hear him girly?" There were a few of them. One, that was clearly the leader, the skinny crony, and the silent muscle. How original.

"I've had a rough day, if you don't leave me alone-" I was starting to get pissed. Wait, I was already pissed, now I just wanted to thrash out at someone.

"You'll what girly? Did someone throw you out of a window or somethin'? You don't look like you could even hurt a fly." They all laughed.

"Actually, a building fell on me. Plus, my fried was kidnapped." I stood up to meet their eyes. "Not to mention I have some strange being inside of me that likes to take over my body. And you! You guys are just pissing me off. So please, make me angry," I growled. The three guys just laughed at me, loudly.

"Perhaps we might have a use for you," the leader said. He had a sick smile on his face as he flashed me his gun. "Now be a good girl and come with us."

That was it.

I let my servants mark cover my body. As soon as I did, I could feel power course through me, not like when the other me took over, but it was still powerful. The guys took a step back, but didn't falter. They all pulled their guns and aimed it at me.

"What are you going to do? Shoot?" I was too angry to think straight. I knew though, that I had to use my darkness to act like a shield.

I might have been in pain, but I made quick work of those guys. Sent them running after their bullets stopped in mid air by my darkness. I chuckled a bit. But now I just felt exhausted.

"A man." The gun shots meant that there would be police showing up soon, meaning I had to leave. Screw those darn guys, now I had to walk on my bad legs.
After walking around for most of the day, I couldn't anymore. My leg had swollen up and my arm hurt so badly. There was nothing I could do about this. I had to doge in and out of people's sights all day. It was getting darker, and I could feel my body giving out. I couldn't go to a hospital. I am alone.

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