Chapter 6: mother

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I had to practically drag Amos away from those heathens when I needed to catch with Bree. And her car. I felt bad for using her as a ride. I've told her this too, but she insists it's not a problem. It's on her way and stuff, but still. I could at least be on time.

"Amos!" I yelled over all the voices. He looked at me and then just left the group. He didn't even bother to say anything to his new 'friends'. "Well that was rude." I said as I ran to match his speed. I didn't think I was short, but yet, I could barely keep up with anyone. I'd have to measure myself.

"What ever could you mean?" He said innocently.

"Don't you want to at least say goodbye to your friends?" I wondered. He scoffed and scrunched his face as though he'd eaten something sour.

"Those people aren't my friends. They're just drawn to my darkness. They have more darkness in them than you think. Could you not sense any of it?" He said nonchalantly.

"No. You're saying I could? Sense people's darkness that is." I wondered if that would be a good thing or a bad thing. Either way, I sounded excited.

"Yes. Looks like I'll have to teach you." He seemed less than excited to do this.
"Thanks again Bree!" I waved to her as she pulled out of my driveway she waved back and sped off. She worried me a bit. She hasn't gotten into a car accident yet. But still...

Well. I had a guy. Moms rarely out of her office. Should be easy to sneak him into my room and figure out what to do from there. If mom discovered this, she'd definitely freak out. She has made it clear about the whole, 'no guys until you've graduated and gotten your degree.' Some part of me thinks she has some hidden resentment for men for what my biological father did to her.

Ugh. Could you stop. You're practically screaming in my head. An annoyed Amos voice said in my head.

Oh, and I wasn't crazy, he had a slight accent that he made more apparent around other people. With me, it's as if he doesn't have one. Except for the slightest inclination of voice.

"Sorry." I opened the door and almost ran right into my mothers he had such long dark brown hair, that she'd put up into a neat bun. My hair was about to my shoulders, but the exact color of her hair. Except for the few grey hairs that were sprinkled around her head. He had on her glasses, they reminded me of a secretary form movies.

"Mom!" I said surprised. I instantly closed the door a bit, so she wouldn't see Amos.

"Hey honey." She said in her high pitched, 'I'm trying to please you,' voice.

"You're not working?" I asked. Trying not to sound disappointed or worried.

"I took the rest of the day off. I was thinking we could get some food and watch a few movies. Have a little girls night." She smiled. Her eyes were begging me to say yes. They also were scared.

"I'd love to mom," her face lit up, "but," then it fell, "I have some homework I need to get done. How about you go pick out something for us to eat and I'll try to get it all finished before you get home so we can hang together?" I though of a solution quickly. I hated seeing her like that.

"That sounds so smart." She beamed. "What do you want to eat?" She tried to get passed me. I looked over and saw that Amos was gone. Ok, just roll with it.

"Surprise me. You know what I like." I smiled sweetly at her.

"Oh, oh, yes. Of course I do. I'm your mother. Alright. I'll try to hurry, but not too much, so you can get you homework done." She said as she walked to the car.

"Sounds good. See you soon." I waved.

"Love you." She said.

"Love you too." The words felt dry in my throat.

After she left I went into the house.

"Amos?" I called. Out of the shadows he walked. Finally making himself seen. Scared the living daylights out of me though. "Don't scare people like that. Ya jerk." I grabbed my chest.

"Don't be a such a baby." He rolled his eyes. I just ignored him.

"You can hide in my room. My mom never goes in there." I started walking to my room. He wasn't following though.

"You do realize I can hide in the shadows. Perks of being able to control the dark. So why not let me watch over you. Also, I'm hungry." Ah, so the true intention of why he wanted to stay with me was revealed. Food.

"Don't 'watch over me', or what ever you call it. And as for food, follow me. I'll get you some thing to eat quick."

I made him some sandwiches and placed him in my room just before mom got back. She came in wielding Chinese good. I thanked the stars.

"Ooo, what did you get?" I went to help her.

"I got some of that spicy stuff you like. Then I got the soul. I believed you said you liked it right?" She smiled at me. I actually hated spicy food. And miso soup didn't do it for me. But she had gone through all this trouble. So I smiled and agreed.

What an interesting relationship between parent and child. Amos chimed in.

Not now. I hissed in my head.

You're mine. I dictate what it's time for. You're just lucky you've pleased me with these sandwiches. I didn't even humor him with a response.

I just wanted to enjoy some time with my mother.

"Get your homework done sweetie?" She was placing the food on the table and setting it all up.

"Yep. Thanks for getting us food." I rubbed her back and plopped on the couch. I went to grab the fortune cookie.

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