Chaper 13: your darkness

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I took a deep breath in. And then exhaled. I was doing this so much that my throat was dry. My eyes were closed and I've been breathing for a while. I peaked one eye open.

"Uh-uh. You have to focus. Once I see you blend into the shadows, we can move on," Amos scolded.

"What am I supposed be doing again?" Amos sighed, disappointed.

"Reach out with your darkness and become one with it." I could practically hear him pinching the bridge of his nose.

I took another deep breath.

Amos was pacing the room. I could hear the slight shuffle of his feet. I sat cross legged on the bed, with my hands on my knees. Yoga style. Amos criticized it at first, but he eventually accepted it. After I wouldn't stop doing it.

Ok. Shadows. Reach in and find my darkness. What is my darkness?

"Amos?" I peaked again.

"Eyes closed." He barked. I snapped them closed. "What?"

"What is my darkness?" I took another breath.

"Yours? Hm. Well, it's like-" he paused for some time. I slightly began to peak. He was just staring at me. "-yours would be...refined. No. Er. It's not exactly refined, but it is. Ok." He paused.

"Your darkness is like a vase. It's cracked in some places, and broken in others. That's where your darkness seeps out to form flowers and vines. It beautiful, and a little broken." I had opened my eyes and looked at him. He seemed deep in thought.

"I've been told that my darkness is like a wild flame," he shad thoughtfully. "Eyes closed." I quickly closed them.

I thought about a vase. Cracks coming out from the base and from the top. Some broken places with dark sinister flowers sprouting from it. I remembered when Amos had that dark drill hanging over that man. I was completely ok with killing him.

Oh god. I was ok with Amos taking his life. A human being. He might be a slime ball worthy of hell, but who was I to think that his life isn't valuable? I thought of my vase. How it has darkness seeping out of it's refined, tarnished, clay.

Become a shadow. The thought filled my head. Suddenly it became colder. Not by much, but enough to notice. I took another slow deep breath in.

When I opened my eyes it was darker around me than it used to be. Amos was looking at me, smiling. But arms still crossed.

"Congratulations. You learned how to meld with shadows." His smile grew wider.

As soon as I moved the temperature, and my vision, went back to normal.

"I-I did it?" He nodded. I bounced on the bed and cheered.

"Good. Now for training-"

"May? May, who's in your room?" Moms muffled voice came from outside the room.

"What? It's just me mom." I was nervous. What would happen if she found Amos in my room. Would she kick him out? Would she disown me?

"What on Earth are you doing in there then? Come out!" She was angry, but at least she believed me. I was just silent. I wouldn't give her the pleasure of obeying her. I was still angry with her.

"Fine. But just so you know I have to go into work so I'll be coming home around midnight so don't wait up." I listened as her footsteps faded and the door slammed shut.

"Can we eat now?" Amos begged.

"Go take a shower. I'll get something to eat." I hopped off my bed and went to find some other close he could wear.

I had a t-shit, that had 'Coke' on it. And some joggers. Sort of. I couldn't afford the actual brand so they were kind of a rip off.

"Wear this when you're done and leave you clothes in the bathroom. I'll wash them." I handed him the clothes.

"Oh, and you're going to have to wash my underwear before I'm done with my shower. I only have one good pair." I was at a loss for words.

"Excuse me? Why do I have to wash your crusty underwear?" I said in disbelief.

"Like I said. I only have one pair and it is dirty." He was totally expecting me to do it. "Do I have to order you into it?" He said pompously.

"No. I'll wash your stupid underwear. Just wrap them up with your clothes when you get in the bathroom." I was grinding my teeth.

"Good servant." He patted my head and skipped off to the bathroom.

I waited by the bathroom door for him to hand me his wadded clothes. I held it at arms length like if I held it close it would infect me or something.

After throwing it in the wash I decided to rummage the kitchen.

I bleached the counter just in case and then I started preparing food on it. Or just getting a bag of chips open.

I made a sandwich though, if that counts as preparing food.

I had just thrown the clothes, and Amos's underwear, in the dryer. How did Amos even get underwear? He probably stole it when he stole those clothes.

I went to go make my bed when I walked into my room there was Amos. A towel hung around his waist and he was using a mother towel to dry his hair. I felt my face become as red as an apple.

"What are you doing?" I turned around quickly.

"You don't happen to have my underwear ready yet do you?" He asked.

"No. I just threw them into the dryer." I was trying to sound normal.

"Never seen a semi-nude man before have we May?" He sounded pretty close to me.

"No. Never wanted to either. Here's your sandwich." I turned around slightly and set it down on the nightstand next to the bed.

I caught a glimpse of him. He may look lanky, but he was toned. I could see his toned abs and everything. Even his guy 'v' thing. Which made me blush even harder. What was that even called? Why was his towel so low? I rushed out of the room and closed the door behind me.

I kept seeing his body in my head. I smacked my face lightly, trying to get the image out of my mind.

Crap. He is hot.

This is just sad. I heard his making voice say. I cursed this stupid servitude that made him able to hear my thoughts.

I heard a ding, the dryer was done.
Hello my little devils. So, I've been thinking about this book and planning it out more. And DANG if I might say so myself. This is going to be exciting 😈. Till the next chapter my dark fiends.

Hugs and murder,

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