Chapter 28: the queen of darkness

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The wind licked at my bare arms as we walked to the park. I was hoping someone would be there so we wouldn't have to go. If I go, I didn't know when I'd come back. If I'd see my friends again. My mom. Although she has her flaws, I still loved her. She was my only family. We all have our flaws, isn't love learning to accept those? My heart ached for my family and friends. I made a point to ask Amos if we'll ever come back, if we can come back.

The park was, unfortunately, empty. The skies were filled with storm clouds, but they didn't look like they'd rain. Jericho ordered the Berserkers to surround the park. I stood back and watched as Jericho closed his eyes and concentrated.

"Grab my hands," he spoke. He held out his hands for Amos and I to take. I took it, along with Amos's' hand. My heart was beating so quickly in my chest.

The wind began to pick up as everything around us seemed to melt, like paint on a canvas. My stomach felt like it had been turned inside out.

For a split second everything was dark. All I could see was Amos and Jerichos hands. It looked like the in between, except I saw something. It looked like a large shadow with horns. No, antlers. With its eyes like flashlights sticking through a dark sheet. Seeing it was almost familiar, and terrifying. It was only for a moment, but my blood ran cold at the sight of it.

Just as soon as it had appeared, it had vanished. The world melted back into existence. But now, we weren't in the park anymore. The berserkers were gone and we stood in the middle of some room. It was a large room, filled with people on either side of use. A long red carpet fell underneath out feet. I looked up and saw a woman. She was sitting in a chair, the throne, if I was correct. She rested her chin in her hand, with one leg crossed over another. She was beautiful. Her long slender body with a midnight blue gown that accentuated any minute curve of her body. Her hair fell in loose silver curls around her head. Her hair was silver, like Jerichos, but the difference was her eyes. One was a deep red color while the other was a lighter red. She wasn't even looking at us, but slowly, she brought her eyes to look at us. She radiates power and beauty.

This was the Queen of Darkness. You could tell by the black crown she wore. 

Her ruby red lips turned up into a snake like smile. I was awestruck by here.

"You come now? In the middle of my meeting with my people? Oh well, family comes first. Leave us," her voice bellowed to the people around us. They all bowed their head at the same time and left with only the faintest of whispers.

The queen rose from her thrown and stepped down the three steps that lead up to it. Every move she made seemed precise. Like a knife.

"Jericho. You've brought me Amos. Good. But what is this?" Her calculating eyes fell on me. I could feel my palms begin to sweat and my hands begin to shake. I realized I hadn't let go of Amos's' hand.

"This is Amos's' servant mother."

"Servant? Why Amos, so soon?" She chuckled to herself. What was so funny?

"She has her uses," Amos said coldly.

"Well," the queen pouted, "what's your name dear," she asked.

"M-m-may," I stuttered terrible. She just smirked.

"How...interesting. Well my darling Amos. You must have known that I didn't bring you back from exile for nothing. Do you wish to know why you're here?" She purred.

"I am eager," he said flatly.

"Hm, darling," she looked at me, "leave us alone. Jericho escort our newest maid to the others dear. Poor thing doesn't know her way around."

"Yes mother." He beckoned me to follow.

"Your mother is terrifying and beautiful." I said once we were out of the thrown room.

"She is." Was all she said.

"Do you know why she brought Amos back?" I couldn't help but wonder.

"Yes. But it's not your place to ask questions. Here is the kitchen," he scolded.

I hesitated at the door for a moment.

"Oh, and a word of advice-" he started to walk away, "-behave yourself." I was scared. I was in a new place I didn't recognize. And he was telling me to behave myself? What a jerk. "Tell them you're the royal servant as well." I heard him yell. I mocked him and walked into the kitchen.

As soon as I entered all eyes were on me. There was mainly female workers, with a few men. All of them wore some sort of brown tattered clothing. Yesh.

"Oo are ya?" A heavily accented woman asked.

"Uh, I-I'm new. I was told to tell you I'm the royal servant?" What ever that meant. The lady was short, shorter than I'd think. She hobbled over to me and looked at me all over.

"Wha' oo wati' fer? Back to work the lot o' oo!" She berated the others. They were soon back to work.

"Well girly. Wha' yer name?" Here eyes seemed to have a yellowish tint to them. Her skin looked more grey than any other color too. She seemed old, was she like the head maid here?

"May. My names May," I squeaked.

"May eh? Well 'May', the lord finally chose a servant. Tha's news." She started walking somewhere, beckoning me to follow.

"Er, yeah. What exactly will I be doing?" I wondered.

"Oo? Oo'll be attendin' to the lord. His clothes, his sheets, makin' sure 'is bedroom nice and clean. Takin' meals up to 'im. Oo didn't know this girly?" She turned back and looked at me straight in the eye. "Eh! Don't oo put to much o' tha' spice in there Ted. I'll tan yer hide!" She yelled behind me.

"I just came here. Amos-"

"Lord Amos?! He's here?" Her eyes bulged out of their sockets.

"Yeah, I'm his servant," I told.

"Yer Lord Amos's? Damn. Tha'll mean oo can't do much other chores. Why is Lord Amos back girly?"

"I don't know. The queen told me to leave before she told him."

"Hm, oo is useless girly. Come on."

Her name was Agnes. She was the head maid like I'd expected. She gave me new clothes and showed me where my room would be. She told me that since I was the only royal servant that I'd have to take care of both Amos and Jericho, since it was only supposed to be the royal servants job. But Jericho never got himself one.

Agnes gave me to Cicil, a maid that had been attending to Jericho. She was going to be teaching me the ins and outs of serving the "lords". I refused to call them lords.

I don't know if she saw how shaken I was. Or if I just looked like some weak flower to her, but she told me that she'd have me start tomorrow. And after showing me how to get my meals, she took me back to my room. All this time I still had my bag secured to my waist.

My room was small. It only fit a bed and a nightstand. The blanket was thin and I only had one sunken in pillow. The bed looked like it had years of wear too. It was so cold in here. The entire castle was made up of stone, like the medieval kind of castles. At least I had my own clothes. Not that I could wear them outside of my room.

Once it got dark, that was it, there was no light in my room. There was a torch thing on the wall, but I didn't know how to work it.

I tried talking to Amos, but there was no reply. I hoped he was ok. What had the queen told him? Were we going to be ok? My head was buzzing with too many questions to sleep.

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