Chapter 3: the dark tentacles

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"Same dream?" Bree asked in the car.

"No. It was different this time. I told him I wanted to take a nap and he offered a pillow. I accepted, thinking he'd have an actual pillow. But he put me on is fu-friggin lap!" I said exasperated.

"Man. Getting steamy." She wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"I jumped right out of it. And keep your eyes on the road." I laughed at her.
It was hard to keep myself awake first period. I drifted off once, but not long enough to actually fall asleep before the teacher hit my desk with a ruler.

"Sleeping is for home Ms. Kole." Mrs. Shives harsh voice rang.

"Sorry, I... sorry." She stuck up her nose at me and began teaching once again.

Mrs. Shoves has never really liked me. I doze off in class and tend to always fail the tests. I pass the homework. Get all A's in fact. But I practically fail all the tests. Needless to say, she thinks I'm stupid and lazy. I hate her, she hates me.

I had to fight to stay awake for the rest of the class.
"Man you look like you haven't slept for a few days." Candice oh so lovingly pointed out.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. But I went to bed right as I went home, I don't know why I'm still so tired." I wined.

"Maybe you slept too much." Our smarts, Bree, pointed out. I just shrugged and tried eating my sandwich.

I say tried because most of it spilled out when I took one bite. I wasn't feeling too hungry anyway.
When I got home I heard a cry for help coming from my mom's office. I walked over to the far end of the house to find that she was hold on a phone call. Liquor bottles littered her desk. She didn't seem to mind them. How she can stay sober is beyond me.

"Ah good, May, could you bring me my chips and salsa from the kitchen; I forgot them." She turned around giving me a small smile. I nodded and went to grab her snack. Moms a secretary for a big business and if she's not in the actual facility she's working from home for her boss. I guess that's why she brings all the doe.

"Here." I whispered as I set them on her desk. She gave me a big smooch on the cheek and mouthed a thank you and continued on with her conversation with whoever she was on the phone with. At least she was getting better.

More sober, less violent.

After giving up understanding what we were doing in math I decided 9:30 was as good a time as any to go to bed. It wasn't hard to fall asleep at least. I wondered before I went to bed if I'd go back to that place.

I guess if you speak of the devil he shall appear, because I was back in that place. I needed a new name for this place other than 'this' or 'that place'. Shadow world seemed like a good fit.

I groaned out loud. I heard a laugh behind me. I jumped and even yelped.

"Don't do that!" I felt like someone had just touched my soul with their dirty hands.

"What?" I asked when I saw he was all business.

"I have a proposition for you," he paused, "er, what's your name?" His voice was a lot smoother than I remember it.

"May." I said flatly.

"Well, May, how would you like to become my servant, my dark servant?" I just laughed.

"That sounds dirty. Why would I do that?" I chuckled a bit.

"Because I need one and you seem to have the ability to come to the in between and then back to your world. I need that to escape. So you're going to be my servant now?" His exterior seemed to darken a bit.

"And what if say no?" I was not going to be a servant. This is just a dream, he can't hurt me here. I hoped. He smiled menacingly at me, his face engulfed by shadow.

"Is that a solid no?" My heart began to pound in my chest. But I stood my ground.

"Yeah, no. I'm not fond of being someone's 'servant'." My voice, thankfully, didn't shake.

"Then I'll have to do this by force. I won't lie, this is going to hurt. A lot." And in that moment Dark tentacles came out of his hands and came towards me. They snaked up my body leaving dark stains where they touched.
"Swear loyalty to me. The pain will become less."

No fucking way. I wanted to scream at him, but the pain wouldn't allow me to speak. They came all the way up to my chin and wrapped around my neck, arms, hands, torso, legs and feet. I could tell because where they touched it felt like a burning cold sensation, and a lot of pain. As if thousands of tiny needles were digging into my skin. I could feel beads of sweat roll down my temples as I tried to combat the pain. I let out a gasp and fell to the floor. A voice, not out loud, but in my head, you're mine. Then I woke up.

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