Chapter 42: Rehersal dinner

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There's a plus to having to attend rehearsal dinners. You get out of chores. But unfortunately there are too many negatives to out way the positives. Take Avel, for example, turns out she already sees me as her servant as well. So she orders me around, and in turn caused Amos to command me to do them. At least I got to practice hiding my thoughts from everyone.

If only they could hear me talking in my head...they'd probably have me sentenced to death or something.

I didn't know this about myself, but when I have the potential for intamate relationships, aka, being engaged, technically, to my masters finances servant, I run from them screaming. Ok, not literally, but I did my best to avoid him all day.

I finally remembered his name though. I just had to think of a can. Or comatose. His name was Cantos. Ok, I didn't actually remember it, I heard Avel bark at him and I just happened to hear it.

He wasn't bad looking either. He had a strong jaw line as well as a muscular build, but for some reason he seemed so short. He was taller than the me that's for sure, but his presence was short, therefore he is short. His eyes were a little funny though, the curved downwards and made him look like he was sad, or just dopey. His hair was long enough to pull into a small pony tail at the base of his neck, which wasn't appealing. The basic blonde hair and blue eye combo.

Basically, he just seemed bland. But unfortunately, I'd have to marry him.

I'd never thought of marriage that much. As a little girl I pictured weddings days for other people, rarely my own. I just never could imagine it, never seemed all that important. Now that I am going to be married and it's not even going to be very glamorous, I was less excited than ever.

Rehearsal dinners were different from what I'd originally thought. There were a lot more people here than I expected. Which, made sense. The entire kingdom, two actually, were going to be interested in this event. There were royals all over the place, as well as nobility and even their servants. It looked more how I'd picture a ball than a rehearsal dinner. Strange, yet lovely, music filled the room, people mingled and ate. There was a considerable amount of food to feed everybody.

My job for this event was to serve. I was informed that my standing next to my master would show power and some crap like that. So I was also arm candy to show that my master had to power to have a servant at all. So it wasn't me that was important, just what I symbolized.

I was ordered not to wander too far away and to come when summoned, even by Avel. I had a tray at one point, but eventually that was taken from me and I was just standing around somewhat near Amos and Avel.

They looked like a power couple too. Everyone wanted to talk to them. They were never without a small group surrounding them. Amos smiled politely and conversed like a robot. He was probably hating the limelight though. Avel soaked in all the attention. It looked like she was glowing from it.

I caught Cantos's eye once and quickly averted them and moved from my hiding place. When our eyes did the same thing again, I basically ran away. So I guess you could say I was literally running away from him.

"Ah, hello dearie," I heard a familiar voice say. I bumped into a large mass of flesh to find Onsal towering over me. He wore a big smile and a bandage around his head.

"Onsal! I'm sorry, I should have looked where I was going," I rambled.

He held his hand up to stop me. "It's quite alright. Now, I wanted to speak with ya," he became serious. I took a small gulp.

"I'm so sorry about yesterday too, are you alright? Hurt?" I rambled some more. I just couldn't seem to stop myself.

"I'm fine dearie. Now, I've been doin' a bit a research about that energy that came out of yer," he began. "I ain't never tired somethin' like that, but that seemed to be a mass amount of power ya got there. More than just what a prince could give ya. You know?" I didn't, but I just nodded so that he'd continue. "Well, I was wonderin' if you knew what it was. I can't find a lick of anythin' anywhere."

"I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe it was just the power from time and Jericho," I hypothesized. He ran his massive hand over the stubble on his chin in thought.

"No girly, that's not what it was," he sounded far away in thought. That's when I got a call from Amos to come back to him.

"Sorry Onsal, I have to go. Thank you." I don't know why I said thank you, but I did. At least I ran off in time in order to not hear a response.

I found Amos in a flood of people. I was having claustrophobia just looking at them. I didn't know how I'd get to him.

Just then a loud clanking noise cam from the main table in the front of the room. It was the queen, and she had a fork and glass.

"Thank you everyone for coming," her voice boomed, "we ask you now to take your seats." She motioned to the tables, which suddenly appeared. The tables weren't here to begin with, they must have had them put there during the little meet and greet.

Everyone obeyed the queen and took their seats. I followed Amos to the main table in the front. Cantos also followed.

My stomach dropped.

Dinner was long and boring. Well, to be specific, it wasn't really dinner, but we acted like it was. It was probably later afternoon at most, but who am I to judge their customs. Did they even call it a rehearsal dinner? Or just a get together? Was I taking in my little private room or could everyone hear me?

This whole thing was making me so stressed. Not to mention my soon to be husband standing next to me.

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