Chapter 41: breakfast stealer

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You know when you're so tired all you can think about is sleep? But once your head hits the pillow all you can do is think? It might be the fact that I smelled a little like cat piss still, but I didn't sleep at all. I couldn't tell if Amos had forgiven me, or just played it off. I was his only servant after all, and it's not like he could just leave me. We're connected.

That thought sent shivers up my spine. Even thinking it sounded so creepy.

I was already up and dressed by the time Cicil knocked on my door. It was kind of pathetic how I still couldn't wake up on time. But could you blame me? I'm used to waking up with daylight. Plus, there was no windows in my so called "room". I should probably just stop complaining about that though.

Taking breakfast up to Amos was nerve racking. What was I supposed to do when I see him? Smile? Don't smile? I verbally groaned due to my mental frustrations.

I stood outside his room building up the nerve to go in. I also had a heavy ass tray so that was a little bit of a persuader. I should name the tray that: persuader. Hm, no, too odd.

I walked into his room to find he was sitting on the other side of his bed...putting a shirt on. He didn't seem to hear me enter, so I quietly walked over to his nightstand and plopped his breakfast onto it. This startled him. I tried not to look too pleased.

"Didn't hear you come in," he mumbled, going back to his shirt.

"Someone's up early," I noted. He didn't look up from his work. That's when I saw the frustration on his face. He was having trouble dressing himself. I snickered a little, then composed myself. "Here." I took the shirt out of his hands.

"You're up early too. In fact, you didn't sleep," he said in monotone. I could feel my face turning red.

"Oh? And how do we know this?" I tried to say coolly.

"I could hear your mind buzzing all night." He cleared his throat. I finished buttoning him up and walked over to his dresser to grab the rest of his outfit.

"Sounds like you were up all night too," I tried to hide the shaking in my voice.

"May, I already know what you're thinking. You're still terrible at hiding it." I froze. Crud, I hated this hat trick. I didn't know what to say, sorry? Already said that, plus I'm not too sorry. "The rehearsal dinner is today. The wedding is only in three days. As well as yours," he stated. I cringed when he said that.

Before I could really think of a reply a great booming voice interrupted my thoughts. "Where in the San heck is that slave?!" Jericho. He came bursting into Amos's room. He was still in his pjs. Anger had contorted his face. His eyebrows scrunched together and he wore a deep frown. His practically perfect kin was wrinkled in the dismay of anger.

I wanted to face palm my face. I had forgotten to take him his breakfast/set out his outfit.

"Er, sorry Jericho, I...forgot?" I was flailing like a fish. I looked to Amos for some help, but he was finding this funny. I wanted to smack him, but I knew it'd do no good.

"Forgot?" His face fell and he looked scarily calm. "That is alright." He walked over to Amos's nightstand and took the tray that laid upon it. Then he calmly walked out.

That's when Amos Began to laugh.

"Did you not see his face? He was just so pissed. And his pjs, he looked like some pompous lord!"

"I'm glad you're happy, cause you're not getting another breakfast. Better go console the toddler." With that, I walked out. After the breakfast comment, I heard Amos's laughter abruptly stop. Now THAT was funny.

I walked into Jericho's room to dress him. I couldn't help but feel like their mother. Feeding them and dressing them, like they were six year olds.

He was in the corner, bitterly nibbling on some oatmeal. Or, at least, it looked like oatmeal.

"You know, if you scrunch your face like that, it'll get it permanently stuck," I teased. He just grunted his reply and ate his breakfast faster. I quickly picked out his outfit and set out for Amos again.

"Get dressed in this, you'll need to look good for my wedding," he said sourly. He tried to hide it, but it was obvious he was not excited to marry this woman. I couldn't help but remember my marriage. I had already forgotten his name. Great.

"You better dress nicely for my wedding," I attempted to mess with him.

"I'd love to, but I won't be able to attend. In fact, a priest is probably just going to be brought in for vows, you sleep together and then the next day accompany the princess and I to our honeymoon," he spat. I did a double take on his sentence.

"Who says I'm ever going to sleep with him?" I was appalled.

"That's what happens when you get married. You produce offspring. Or in this case, offspring for my offspring." He said it funny, but what he meant was that my children would be his children's servants. What a vicious cycle.

"Guess I'll just have to wear a lock around my crotch then. I don't want to produce babies for you," I stated. I was trying to use humor to cover up the fact that this was actually happening. The sinking feeling in my stomach was becoming more and more noticeable. "So, if you're a prince of darkness, and her a princess...would you become a king and Queen one you were married and have a kingdom?" I didn't know how this hole royalty thing worked.

"No, what is princes and princesses are for is to produce kings and queens. It's not really considered a new era until another king or queen is born. It's quite rare that a king and Queen are born at the same time actually. Sometimes, a king and Queen produce emperors," Amos explained.

"Emperors?" I stopped what I was doing to look at him as he explained.

"Yeah, they're the rarest souls. They're said to be true it great leaders and hold awesome powers. They're like gods, but no ones seen an emperor in, well, thousands of years." I couldn't help but contemplate this. It I already knew this information. Perhaps it was de ja vu.

"Slave?! Why are you not in here dressing me?!" I heard a grumpy Jericho yell from the opposite side of the hall.

"Someone's a whiny baby today," I groaned as I left to dress him. 

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