Chapter 52: Lost

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I mentally kicked myself for not knowing this castle better. I should have, I don't know, explored. Even a little. I was lost. This is the worst here story ever told. Who'd want to listen to the hero that took an hour to even find anyone. No one!

While I was fuming over being a complete idiot, I didn't notice the guards. At this point my rage was consuming me. When the guards showed up with their clanking black armor I was ready to beat someone up.

They surrounded me. When they started to poke and probe at me with their dark weapons when I let myself go. I let my own darkness swarm around me like insects, attacking these men for me. It contorted itself like a school of fish, except they clumped towards the enemies not a way.

As I grabbed one of the guards and flung him around the room I realized I was less of myself and more of her. It really made no sense, but just thinking of her becoming me made me sick. I hated the thought of watching as my body was controlled by another.

You are me May. Almost like an alter ego, for lack of a better word. Perhaps it's the being separate for your whole life. You must come to terms with this, May.

I shrugged off her words. I figured I'd cross that bridge when I got to it.

Once the swarm of darkness dissipated I saw the guards left in piles around me. I checked one of them, they were still alive. Just looking at them, and thanking my lucky stars that I didn't kill them made me think of Cantos. I winced from the memory of him.

God damnit Amos, please tell me where you are. That sack of master is going to get his butt handed to him by my quote en quote "alter ego". Why wasn't he answering me?

Finally I spotted a familiar hallway. This was where Jericho took me to meet Onsal. If anything, he might know.

I ran down the stairs as fast as I could. Which apparently wasn't very fast considering I was out of shape. When I finally reached the bottom of the stairs I remembered that I had no idea which door Onsal was behind. I started trying every one. I didn't realize it, but I was panicking.

Finally I opened one that showed me a familiar figure. I didn't get a sigh of relief in before I was stopped in my tracks.

It was dark, so I didn't realize Onsal was floating. No

Not floating.


My eyes widened as they adjusted to the the rooms darkness. There was a pool of liquid at the base of Onsal body. I stood frozen on the spot as his body slowly turned to reveal the mangled mess that was his face.

His once kind looking face had been stretched and contorted in unnatural ways. His eye lids where stretched out, causing his eyes to sink into his skull. His haw was handing violently from the side with his raspberry red tongue hanging out. Darkness tainted the edges of the places that were pulled, as if they were yanked that way by black fingers. His skin was ghostly white. Not only was he dead, but he suffered.

I keeled over in pain. My chest hurt, like someone was slowly taking my heart out of my chest. I could feel my body shaking badly. A mix of anger and agony consumed every bit of me.

I may not have know him, but yet it hurt so much. It was almost crippling. It felt like I laid there in a ball of pain for almost an hour before I actually got up. I knew it was a long time because I was stiff from laying on the ground.

I didn't look at Onsals body as I left to walk towards the far end of the hallway. My strides felt heavy and staggered. It's not like I haven't seen a dead body before. Or had I? Cantos was basically incinerated. I didn't actually see him. That was terrible, but I had to swallow down any feelings. I had to appear strong. Even if I wasn't.

Something told me I was going the right way. I'll be honest, I think it was her telling me where to go, but ignored that feeling for my sanity.

The doors slowly transitioned to barred cages. If Amos was anywhere, he'd be in this prison.

Although, not being able to find him was convincing me that perhaps he may not be here. Great job intuition. You found the prison, but not Amos.

This prison was so typical. Torches lighting the hallways. Stone walls making it seem so depressing. I rolled my eyes at the cliche. But wait. Why were all these cells empty? That was a little weird. You know what, the entire castle felt abandoned. Except for the guards. And Onsal. And Jericho.

And apparently Cicil.

"What are you doing here?" I said harsher than I meant to.

Looking at her, I could tell she was in some pain. She was in the corner of a cell, legs pulled in close. Her matted hair and dirty face told me she may have been here for a while. I could see some bruising on her face, plus some dried blood?

"What happened?" I grabbed the bars of the cage, and quickly stepped back. They felt hot to the touch.

"The.....Queen," her voice was raspy and came out like a croak. I had to help her. I summoned my darkness and grabbed the bars.

As soon as my darkness touched the bars, my hands started to burn.

Can't you also control water or something? I practically screamed.

After my hands were nearly burned off and the bars were broken, Cicil was free.

I knew she couldn't really speak, but her eyes questioned me. I didn't know what question she was wanting to ask. Why help her? Or how did or when did I become so strong?

"I'd suggest leaving. I doubt the queen would be as nice to you when she discovers I helped you." She simply nodded and stood up. I took a moment to watch her hobble away. But she stopped and looked at me.

I watched as her arm lifted up and her hand pointed. Pointed down a hallway.

"Amos?" I asked excitedly. She nodded and then continued walking away.

After she was out of sight. I tripped trying to run for that hallway. I didn't know why, but I just needed to see Amos. I needed to.
*rubs eyes* this can't be real guys. Almost 1000 reads? Obviously Wattpad has a glitch out. Or does it? It may not look like a lot, but it means the world to be. Thanks for reading!

Hugs and murder,

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