Chapter 4: arrival

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I was covered in sweat and panting heavily. I decided I didn't like that dream and I'd have to actually try to have a different dream next time.

I looked at the clock and saw that I'd have to wake up in about an hour so I just decided that I'd stay awake. I went into the bathroom to wash off my face, wake up a little, shake off that nightmare. I laughed a little at myself. It just seemed so silly that I would have imagined something like that.

I could even have written a book. Although I wouldn't know what to put in the middle or the end. But I'd have one killer start.

I turned on the light and looked in the mirror and almost screamed. I mean, I would have, but I was so shocked I couldn't. The black marks, there they were, as clear as day. Wrapped around my limbs like they did in my dream. I tried washing them off, thinking that they were just...marker or something. But no, they were as permanent as a tattoo. They offered no more pain, but they were everywhere. How would I cover this up? A turtle neck with long sleeves as well as a jacket that had those thumb holes would cover the top half, almost. And pants and shoes should cover the bottom half. I sighed and got dressed for the day.

Bree noticed my apparel quickly. Making fun of it like I was some freak. Little did she know. I just laughed it off and told her I was cold and it wasn't too horrible looking...even if it was spring and it was in the 70s'. I think I was going to die of heat.
My first period Mrs. Shives sharp eyes spotted the marks on my neck. That woman may be old, but she has eyes like a stupid hawk.

It was all because it got itchy around the neck, and I carelessly scratched it.

"Gotten tattooed have we Ms. Kole? How deplorable." She commented. The whole class looked at me. I could see the judgement In their eyes.

I felt anger swell inside of me, enough to have it almost ooze out of me. The lights flickered. Sending panic through the room for a split second. I couldn't help but feel slightly better in that one second.

My anger was directed at Mrs. Shives. It even seemed to have an effect on Mrs. Shives. She turned ghostly white and then gave us some busy work as she sat at her desk shivering. And then it hit me, something was wrong.

I ran to the bathroom, relieved to find it empty. It felt like I was going to throw up. No, burst. I was sitting on the floor of one of the stalls shaking when it happened, something came out of me. No, it wasn't something. It was someone. It was him, the man from my nightmares.

I just gaped up at him as he tried getting up in the small stall. He looked around at the metal grafitti filled stall. He looked different when he wasn't consumed in shadow and fog. Almost attractive, but I refused to think that. His hair was longer than his eyes. Needs a haircut. I mentally noted. He had an angular jaw and a bit of a hooked nose, but what was really eye catching was his dark black purple-ish hair and the mixture of his stormy blue eyes. I couldn't stop staring at him stupidly. He finally turned to me, looking at me with a cocked eyebrow.

This broke me from my daze.

"You!" I hissed menacingly. Anger boiled in my blood. It hadn't been a dream. Again the anger seethed out of me, but this time it came out in shadows. The bathroom took on a darker tone. The lights flickered and dimmed, as if covered by shadows. This guy seemed unamused, almost bored.

"Yes, me. Now control yourself May. We can't have you losing control." He stated flatly. That just made it worse.

"You did this to me!" I said rolling up my sleeves to reveal the marks that snaked up my arm. He eyeballed them.

"Oh, that."

"Yeah, that. Explain this now!" I practically exploded in his face. He gave me a sheepish smile, which was a surprise.

"Sorry to force you into servitude, but I needed out of You understand right?"

"Alright fine, whatever, you got what you wanted. Now release me." I said through clenched teeth.

"I can't do that. Once you're a servant you can't get out of it. Unless you die of course. Permanent thing and all. But...I can help you hide my mark."

"Permanent?!" I shrieked like a mad women. All this strain was making my voice hoarse. Great. I was a slave to this Prince of Darkness. I don't even know his name. I would make the argument that this wasn't re, but it was apparent this was all too real.

"Calm down." He said forcefully. And for some reason I did. I frowned deeply. "Good, now, Seeing as how I had to force you into this I'm going to have to ask you to agree to be my dark familiar." Before I could say anything he said. "If you do I will show you how to make my mark disappear." I pondered his proposal. I mean I was permanently attached to this guy now. If that wasn't a horse of a pill to swallow, I didn't know what was.

"Alright. I agree to be your dark familiar." I practically hissed. He smiled triumphantly.

"Swear on your soul to obey me and only me for the end of time." His mischievous smile was back. That was it. I officially hated this guy.

"You know what. I'll just deal with it. Goodbye. Have a nice day." I reached for the little lock to leave the stall.

"Stop." And I did. It was like I couldn't control myself. "I didn't want to have to do this, but if you don't become my servant by choice, you'll slowly determinate until you become a mindless servant who obeys my every whim. Oh, and eventually, you'll die." He pointed out with a small smile.

"I swear on my soul." I had to swallow my pride and accept it. And suddenly it felt like a weight was lifted off of my chest that I didn't know was there. I could breath a bit easier and a throbbing in my head seemed to go away. I wasn't tired anymore either. That was nice, but I still didn't like this guy.

Good, now focus on your marks. It was that voice from last night. It was him. Get out of my head. I screamed mentally. I saw him roll his eyes as he said:

Get over it and focus on your marks. That was clearly an order and I felt a strong urge to obey. So I just focused on my marks. Now, believe them to be invisible.

I pictured myself with the marks, then how was before them. I felt like an invisible blanket was draped over me

When I opened my eyes I looked down at my arms to find them without those black marks.

He nodded in approval.

"Make sure they stay hidden. When exposed they amplify your power." I noticed the bathroom went back to its normal light now that the marks were gone. "To summon them again just do the opposite."

"What is your name?" I said coldly. I realized that I didn't actually know this dim wads name yet. I probably should, considering I'm bound to him.

"Silly me. It's Amos, but you may call me master." He smirked.

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