Chapter 22: crashing

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I knew how to drive, thankfully, so I got to drive the jeep. It was one of those off roaring jeeps, had some dirt on the sides of it too.

I knew how to drive, sure, but I wasn't used to it. I had my permit, but mom rarely let me drive the car. I mean, once in a blue moon. So I was gripping the steering wheel so tightly my knuckles were white. I wouldn't take my eyes off the road and barely looked at my speed.

"Where are we even going?" I was just driving straight at this point.

"Probably that way." He pointed slightly left to were I was driving. I groaned; I'd have to get on the freeway to go that way.

It wasn't easy getting on the freeway, but when I did, my relief was short lived. How are there so many people here? I will never used the term million so loosely again. My hands were going to sleep from how tightly I gripped the wheel.

"Gosh, calm down May. Your nerves are making me tense." He grabbed my hand and pried my fingers off so they sat loosely on the wheel.

After almost an hour I had gotten comfortable with driving. Sort of. I had a few brushes with other cars, but at least we were still alive.

Amos found how out about the radio, too. We were currently listening to one of my favorite songs to sing along to. And sing along I did. Amos just stared at me.

"Stop judging. This song brings me joy." I didn't look at him.

"I'm not judging."

"Yeah right. I can practically feel it pouring off of you." I glanced over quickly, swerving slightly. He was trying not to laugh. I just frowned and let the song pass.

"I swear. It is not that funny." He coughed to try and cover up his laughter. "It's not as if you're bad. You're just, er, crack-y."

"Shut up." Out of my rearview mirror I saw a motorcycle coming up on me. Fast. I decided to maintain my speed and just let the guy pass me. But he just kept getting closer.

"This guy." I cut off what ever Amos was saying, I wasn't paying attention.

I pressed on the gas a bit more, but he just got closer. "I'm just going to get over." I told myself. I waited for it to get to a straight part and then got over. He zoomed until he was right next to me. I glanced over and spotted the silver hair, the car swerving a bit more.

A-amos. Check that guy next to me on the motorcycle. Does he have silver hair?
Amos leaned over to look next to us. He quickly sat back.

That's him. Drive faster.

I'm trying. He keeps matching my speed. Suddenly the car was pushed. It tipped slightly, but didn't fall over. "Is he ramming us?" I got over again and sped up. He was gaining on us.

I felt another push from the back. Fine. He wanted to play dirty. I slammed on the brakes.

He came dangerously close to hitting us.

"Why didn't that work?" I kept looking in my rearview mirror.

"He's manifesting his darkness into a more solid form. He's levitating." Amos clarified for me.

"Fabulous." Another ram. I had a plan. I got over so that he could get right next me me.

He was on the side of me. I turned the wheel in order to ram him. I over turned though, and the wheels came off the ground as I tried to crash into him.

I closed my eyes, preparing for the pain of crashing into the ground. But, it never came. I opened one of my eyes to see that he was holding us up so that we wouldn't crash.

The car was sideways, I could feel gravity pulling me towards the passenger side. The car suddenly dropped from its air suspension and we hit the ground with a solid ker-thunk. My head whipped from one side to the next.

I clicked my seat belt and fell down onto Amos. I hit something and knew instantly that it would bruise. My neck ached and I was sure I was covered in a layer of dirt. But, no major injuries, thank goodness. I looked at Amos, his head was limp.

"Amos!" I lifted his head up and checked his pulse. He had a steady heart beat. I sighed a sigh of relief, he was only knocked out. There was blood dripping from the side of his head though. I reached in the back to grad some article of clothing to wipe his head.

As I was wiping his head the drivers side door was ripped off. The guy that was ramming into us was there, peering in. I could see silver hear peaking out of the helmet that he wore. But his eyes were covered with goggles. His face was covered with a black and white scarf, giving noting of his facial features away. I could tell by his tilted head that he was looking at us, analyzing us.

"Don't just stand there. Get us out." I yelled at the biker man. Or, Amos's brother-ish.

"Interesting," the man said in a less dangerous tone than before. Darkness exploded from his back and wrapped around Amos, pulling him free of the car. I climbed out after them.

I looked back at the car. Laying on its side. Door ripped off. Effectively damaged. People were driving around it like it wasn't even there though. I looked us and noticed a dome like thing was around the crash. Like a dome of darkness. Cool.

My attention was drawn to the guy and Amos. He was strapping him in to the back of his bike.

"Hey!" I ran over. A thought struck me. I didn't know how to "manifest" my darkness. I mentally cursed myself for learning the most useless thing about my darkness. "Give him back!" I didn't know how, but I was going to fight this creep.

I relapsed my servants mark and felt darkness begging to swarm around me. Alright. Let's go butt head.

He turned towards me and just stared at me.

"What the hell-" something hit the back of my head and my vision faded as the ground came to meet me.

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