Chapter 46: what to do?

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Waking up felt like someone was pounding on my skull with a hammer. It took me a moment to remember what had happened...I was getting married--oh my god. I think I killed him, Cantos. Did I kill him? Was it technically me who had specifically killed him? I mean, he was a jerk, but I didn't have to kill him.

I felt bile rising in my throat. I tried to quickly get out of bed and into the bathroom, but I was too late, I just ended up throwing up into a garbage can by the bed. I looked around at the dark room, we were in a motel. It saddened me that I knew that.

I quickly washed the taste of throw up out of my mouth and walked back into the room. Amos wasn't sleeping like I'd expected him to be. Instead, he was sitting on the bed, facing the window. He looked kind of scary posed like that, unmoving.

As more of the night came back to be, I didn't know what to say to him. I didn't even know what I was.

"What are you?" He said slowly. It was the way he said it, it was like he was scolding me somehow.

"I don't-"

"No," he refused my answer, "what are you?" He said more harshly, still refusing to look at me.

I sighed. "Apparently I'm an empress. Onsal said something during the wedding that made me...snap," for lack of a better word. "I don't know what he said, I don't really remember. But that thing,, wasn't me. I mean, I was able to see everything she saw, but I couldn't control my body in any way. Was that me? Or do I just have a different part of me? An I a clepto?! Wait, that's the wrong word for it, uh, DID? There we go," I began rambling.

"May, shut up," he commanded. I instantly stopped. "Well that answers that question. But how are you still my servant if you're a higher being?" He seemed to ask himself. I tried to say something, but I couldn't open my mouth.

Perhaps it's because she wasn't me. I'm weak, weak enough to be your servant. So she must be another person, I practically had to shout.

"Hm... why though? Why is the empress, of all things, here? She's supposed to be the dawn of a new age, what's wrong with our current situation? Why wasn't she born out of the elites? May," he quickly turned to me. His eyes were darker than usual, and terrifying. "Who's you're father?" Suddenly I could speak.

"My father? I don't know. He abandoned me before I was born, so I don't really care about him all too much," I spat bitterly. Amos just grabbed his chin in thought.

I looked at Amos, with what seemed to be new eyes. I analyzed his behavior. It tended to change drastically when we were in his world. He was cold, but he only wanted you to think that. I think deep down he actually cares about everything, but he's supposed to be this dark prince. I remembered when I first met him, he had gotten a lip piercing. I hadn't noticed, but he'd removed it, and I couldn't really tell he ever had one. Too bad, he looked good actually, although I'll never tell him that.

"Onsal!" His face lit up.

"Huh?" I made a face at him. He smirked at me.

"He'll know how to summon her. It's obvious. She must be here for something important, that means we'll need her. So we need to get back to Onsal," he seemed pleased.

"There are two major, not three, three major holes in your plan. One: we don't have anyway to get back to Onsal. Two: the queen and your brother will be chasing us, more than likely to kill me. Three: I don't want her." After I said the last part, Amos's eyebrows knitted together.

It may seem strange to not want to be powerful, but I didn't like it. It felt so all consuming, plus, I wasn't in charge of my body. It's like she was me, but not, and I didn't like that.

"We have to May, I have questions that only she can answer," he firmly put it.

"Do you know what non-me said to me, Amos? She said that I could have my body back. That sounded like she could come out and take over whenever she wanted. Plus, she wasn't ready to come out, but she was forced, by Onsal," I fumed. All he did was look at me, blankly. This kind of pissed me off.

"Fine, then what exactly do you suggest we do?"

"I-" I had nothing, and he knew it. "Anything. Get jobs, Work to get a nice little apartment-"

"While still running away from the queen and Jericho?" You could barely see it, but he had the faintest of smiles on his face.

"Yes," I said just to spite him.

"Here me out, what if we went back and tried to get control of the kingdom. With you, we'd be able to. We'd also be getting answers." I loudly scoffed at his plan.

"With her, you mean. Have you ever been possessed? No? Well I have, by her. No way," I stuck my tongue out at him, just to piss him off a little. He was getting a little upset too, I could see by the way he took a slightly deeper breathe.

"Listen, May, you're my servant, and you'll do as I say. And I say we go back and take power from Queen Celeste," he said firmly.

"No." I noticed his eye twitch slightly. "You can't control her Amos. What makes you think that once you release her she'll just obey you? Hm?" I said cockily.

"I am your master. And I command the empress inside you to surface," he said authoritatively. I looked  around a bit, but nothing happened.

"See?" He purses his lips in anger.

"Fine, but I still have questions, and I believe Onsal can answer them, I mean, he figured out what to say to get her to surface, so he should know more, right? So, if you won't go back to take over, then I suggest we get our questions answered." I knew he still wanted to get her out. He was just trying to appeal to me.

"Why not just stay here? We can make a living here," I suggested. He looked at me like I was crazy.

"This isn't our world, and before you argue, no, it's not your world, you merely lived here. We'd be running forever to get away from the Queen. She won't let up, I know her. She'll keep on coming, and keep on coming. I don't want to run, I want to fight. And if I have to force you, then I will," he sounded dangerous.

I couldn't argue with him, he was right. We stay here, we run until we die, we'd never live peacefully. But, if we go back, was there any chance she'd let me have my body back? I hated that feeling, it was sickening.

I opened my mouth to answer, but before we could, a great rumbling shook the ground beneath us. The ground cracked and crumbled beneath our feet.

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