Chapter 17: hide

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Where can we hide?! I screamed in my head. I was cursing a crap tone as well. I could practically hear my heart beat in my head. I could feel my face flush.

In here. Amos dragged me into some shop. The bell dinged. The guy behind the desk looked up, but we had both hidden into the shadows at that point. He shook his head and mumbled something about the wind. He looked back down at whatever was in front of him.

I looked around the shop. It was some antique shop. There was old nick knacks, even a type writer. I was mildly interested, but I remembered the crazy monster that was after us. Amos dragged me around the shop.

No where really to hide. I could feel him analyzing everything.

What about that closet? It was slightly ajar, it looked small though.

Too small. I started sensing the presence, the berserker was almost outside the shop. Too small will have to do. We both crammed into the small closet.

Can I tell you how small this closet actually was? It was just a small janitorial closet, and the broom and bucket took up the better half of 1/3 of the space. The other 2/3 of the closet was made up of Amos, me, and the bag. Not to mention that any noise we made would most likely get the attention of the mildly crazy monster outside the shop.

We were standing there. Not moving, slightly panting still.

How long do we stay here? I asked.

Until we don't feel their presence any longer. I pursed my lips at this.

What if it doesn't go away all day? I whined.

Then we stay here all day. Trust me. You don't want to be caught by these things. How's your side?

I wiggled slightly. At that point I began painfully aware of how close he was to me. His body was pressed against a mine. I also realized how close his face was. I could even feel his breath.

Still a little sore. I said quickly.

I've never really been much for dating and romance. I mean, I was, at heart, but I never had a relationship, or a serious crush. I was more of a look at them and hope they were braver than I.

I wonder what it would be like to kiss someone. Hell, Amos was just standing here. I could easily kiss him. I laughed in my head, mockingly. Never would I ever do that.

Wait. I could feel my face turn brighter than a tomato. I can't believe I keep forgetting about the fact that he could READ MY FREAKING MIND.

I could see him trying to contain his laughter. I decided a good place to keep looking was his chest.

You're such a freaking jerk! I screamed in my head.

I try. I try SO hard, but you're so loud. I can't help it. I could hear him laughing in his head.

Can I just say I hate you. Soooo much. Says the person who can't even look him in the eyes. I need to get into a habit of imagining a wall.

How do you hide your thoughts from me all the time? I wondered.

Habit. But, uh, you could just imagine this as a separate room. Where your private thoughts are in another. You know, if it weren't for Amos, I'd be completely lost. That doesn't make it better because he was the one that put me in this mess. So I guess, without him I wouldn't need him.

It had been over and hour. Or under? It doesn't matter. We had been standing here for a long time. My legs were tired. My feet hurt. And man was I bored. Yet, I could still feel the berserkers presence.

Can we sit down or something? My legs were starting to cramping.

If we can be quiet.

I'll sit with the bucket and you the broom? It would practically double out space.

Why do you get the bucket? I rolled my eyes.

I thought the broom would be easiest. But if you really want that bucket you can have it. I handing him the bucket. He took it, like a four year old would. What. A. Child.

We both quietly situated ourselves on the floor.

What if the guy that was out there comes in?

This shop looks vacant. I doubt he'll come in here. Just then I heard the little bell chime. I glared at Amos. He just smiled sheepishly and shrugged. Or we could bolt like our lives depend on it. Because they would.

I sighed quietly. Which is harder than you might think.

What are those things even doing?! They can't smell us in here right?! I scrunched my face in anger.

They're definitely in the area. We probably picked somewhere close to the middle of the city to hide. He had closed his eyes at this point.

I wasn't tired, but I was bored. So bored I started biting my nails, so I tried sleeping.
I was jolted awake by a sudden flood of light. I opened my eyes to see someone leering over me. It was that guy, that ran the store. He yelped and jumped back.

Amos was awake now too.


Done. We both bolted out of the store.

The guy didn't chase us out. Thank goodness.

We ran a few blocks before we stopped. We had don't a lot of running today. I might actually become healthy. Hm, gross.

"I don't sense them." Amos huffed.

"Oh thank fucking god," I said exasperatedly.


I just glared at him. "I didn't expect for that guy to actually check the closet." I laughed a bit at it. "Did you see his face?" I giggled.

"Total surprise." He chuckled.

It was getting dark now. It looked like the sun had just set and now the darkness was taking over the sky.

"Now that we're rested we may not have to sleep tonight." He stated. I looked at him as if he were crazy.

"Why not?" I liked sleep, ok, loved it. I wanted to sleep.

"We may not be able to. I don't know where they went. So we'll have to be careful where we go. If we're lucky we'll be moving away from them. If." I couldn't help but agree. Oh well, I was too stressed to sleep now anyways.

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