Chapter 20: sick head

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I woke up because I was falling. With a thud I was awake. I shot up and looked around, my heart was pumping loudly in my ears. I looked at the window and saw a small line of light seeping underneath it. I looked back at the bed and saw Amos sleeping silently. He lay on his back with one arm underneath the pillows and his other hand resting on his stomach. Best if he not know that I fell asleep with him, so I crawled into my bed and tried going back to sleep.

In stead I just laid there awake for what seemed like hours. I was thinking. Nothing too substantial though. My thoughts wandered between mom, school, friends, if anyone was worried about me. What was going to happen next? I had no idea. In fact, I was a little frightened over this. What if we were just running our whole lives? And apparently that'd be a long time. How would we make it? Oh god, my life was going to be one crap hole after another, isn't it?

Amos sat up in his bed.

"Good morning sleepy head," I said. His head slowly turned towards me.

"I feel better. But, I still don't feel well. And I'm hungry. Get me some food." I scowled. Not awake for a few minutes and he's demanding stuff from me. He sounded stuffy, I'll grab him some tissues.

I gave him some water and a few crackers, along with some tissues. He looked at the few crackers and glared at me.

"Starve a fever and feed a cold. And you sir, have a fever. Also, drink lots of water. It helps." I sat on my bed. My body still ached from all that running yesterday.

"And the tissues?" He sniffed. And yet, he still wondered about the tissues.

"Blow your nose stuffy." I ordered.

He proceeded to blow his nose then hand me the tissue. For some odd reason, I took the darn tissue. Whilst scrunching my face in disgust, I threw it away and washed my hands.

"Want to watch some t.v.?" I grabbed the remote off the night stand that formed the gap in between our beds.

"T.v.?" He looked at me genuinely confused.

"Have you never heard of television?" I said exasperatedly.

"Er, isn't that the box that has images on it? I've heard of it. Never watched it." He nibbled on a cracker. I smirked.

"Well, let's introduce you to the most addictive thing in the world." I might have been a bit of a hyperbole, but he would soon understand.
It didn't take long for Amos to become fond of the box. He liked some of the reality shows too. It was just as fun watching him watch t.v. as well. He'd ask me to explain some of the concepts, or some of the jokes, but he got some of them on his own.

"Alright. I'm feeling better. We should go." He went to get up. I stumbled over and awkwardly pushed him back down. Whilst ending up sitting on top of him.

"No. You need to rest 24 hours after a fever. You're also contagious." I scolded him.

"If I'm contagious, then perhaps you should not sit on me." I felt me face turn red.

"Just stay in bed jerk." I growled and quickly got off of him. I couldn't risk getting sick as well. 

I went back and sat on my bed and at some point I fell asleep.

I shot up from my bed, effectively waking me up. My dream slipped away from me as soon as I tried to remember it. I knew it was disturbing, though.

I looked over at Amos and saw his bed was empty. I grabbed my head in panic. I quickly got up and walked over the bathroom. It was closed with the light on. The water was running. Was he in the shower?

I could hear something. I pressed my head against the door. He was singing. I couldn't really understand some of the words, but he was definitely singing. I smiled to myself. I learn more and more about him everyday.

I looked down and saw a pile of the clothes he was wearing. I frowned and walked over to the bag. I picked out that outfit that he'd stollen from the mall. Might as well give him a break from large shirts and sweat pants. Speaking of break...I think I'll change into something else. Or maybe I should shower first. I'll wait till he's done.

I want to shower too. So hurry. I told him.

You could just join me. A mental image of sharing a shower with Amos filled my mind. Hell to the no. What was the tone he used? Was he kidding or serious?

No way. Just hurry it up sick head. Nice come back me. I patted myself on the back.

I'll take all the time I want servant. I pouted.

Not long after he walked out of the bathroom with just a towel around his waist. Why did he always do this?

"The fact that you look like you're going to either rip my towel off or vomit every time you see me out of the shower concerns me. Have you ever slept with a man?" I ground my teeth together.

"No. Have you?" I growled. I grabbed my clothes and pushed past him into the bathroom.

Didn't mean to strike a nerve. I could hear him mentally laughing. Seriously?! Who asks someone a question like that? Why did he even want to know? So he could rub it in or something? Master or not, I was genuinely starting to hate this guy.

I took a nice, long shower. At least the water was still hot. And the little complimentary soaps didn't smell terrible.

I got out and went to put on the clothes I brought in and saw they were actually the clothes I got for Amos. Crud. I wasn't about to let him see me in a towel. I could just wear his clothes. But I wanted to wear something comfortable. But, I did let him wear my clothes all the time.

I didn't wear the stupid vest. I didn't put on the purple button down shirt , but the skinny jeans didn't fit at all. Shoot. If have to go out and grab some of my pants. In what? A towel?! Ugh.

Hey, close your eyes. I tried to sound nice so that he would actually do it.

And why would I do that?

I need some pants. So I'm half naked. So just close your eyes so I can go out there and grab some. I couldn't tell if my embarrassment was apparent or not.

I could just bring you some pants.

You would? Thank you. I sighed a sigh of relief. Perhaps he's not a complete jerk.

I said I could. Not that I'd actually do it. Scratch that. I hate him.

Screw you. I'm coming out.

I walked out and he turned his head to look at me.

"What the heck?! Close your eyes!" I pulled the shirt over my knees and crouched down.

"Your my servant. I don't view your body in a sexual way. And besides, I already know what your bare legs look like." He looked back at the t.v.

Oh yeah, he's dressed me that one time. Ugh! I still shimmied over to the bag and quickly put on pants.

"Also, that's my shirt." He pointed out without looking away from the television.

"Yeah, well I let you borrow my shirts all the time." I put my hands on my hips.

"Fair point." He scratched his lip ring. "Also, it's getting dark. We should leave soon." I walked over to the window. The sun was setting and the sky had lit up with purple and pink hues. He was right.

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