Chapter 50: burn the dress

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I have some crazy power that I still don't 100 percent know. I've just put two officers, or one officer and one medic, out cold. Plus, broken out of jail. Ok, so it was just the precinct, but I still broke it. So much for being subtle.

Now, I had no idea what to do now.

Amos, I had to save Amos. But how the actual hell was I supposed to do that?

I barely made it out of the precinct. Ok, lets be honest, it was pure luck. So how was I supposed to teleport to another dimension?

I couldn't keep running, I was winded. I stopped to catch my breath. When I stopped I looked around me, there weren't many people, but there were still some. At this time of nigh? It was like 1 am. I mean, I was up this early, but I...I don't even know what I am. An empress? It didn't feel like it. It felt like I was a teenage kid who didn't ask for this.

I looked up to the stars seeking comfort, but I was rudely reminded that our light pollution made most of them vanish. I still looked at the few that hadn't disappeared. I had to go back, even though I didn't want to. It felt like a medieval fairy tale, one that I was the servant in. I don't care how the stories make it sound, it just sucked.

After sighing deeply, I decided to get going. I needed to save Amos, if anything, he was my friend. And friends don't let friends stay imprisoned by their family, but not really, because he was born from other people, but still. Try saying that ten times fast. Not that I couldn't do it, but I would loose my breath before I finished.

Where was I? I've been trying to find the park for several hours, the sun was even coming up in the distance! I was so frustrated. Nothing was open, so I couldn't ask for directions, or a map. Not to mention I needed clothes.

Now I had to debate with myself whether I wanted to steal from a store or wear this terrible dress. It was seriously terrible, like if I wasn't wearing it, I'd set it on fire. Wait, duh, I could steal it, but make the cashier see that I actually did pay! Duh. I learned that a while ago. Man I felt dumb.

I decided to go to target, but was faced with another issue. They were closed. I guess I'd just have to break in. But wouldn't that set off alarms? Dilemmas, dilemmas.

"Can I help you ma'am?" I jumped by the sudden sound of another persons voice. Did this mean I was crazy? I shook off the question.

"Yeah. I, um, needed some new clothes. The ones I'm wearing really, really, suck. But it's closed. It's," I sighed for dramatic effect, "it's been a long night."

All I needed to do was look at him and I could see it. His darkness. His light. They were fighting violently. He was kind, but I could tell he had the sexual desire to just take me. Luckily his light was fighting his darkness, hard. It saw how helpless I look, and scared. Did I really look like that?

"I was just about to open up. Come on in. I can ring you up really quick," he said gruffly. I had to keep an eye on him. His light may be winning right now, but you never now. Did I really look helpless and scared? How pathetic I must look. But I couldn't worry about that now.

It didn't take me long to spot some stuff I liked and run into the dressing room. I was going to keep this dress, just so I could burn it later.

I took a look in the mirror to look at what I wore. I grabbed a black tee that read "ACDC" I figured why not. I liked some of their songs. Plus I was in a hurry. I put a black vest on to not feel so naked. Also, I wanted to feel cool. If I didn't feel cool I don't think I could do this. Add some gray leggings and it looked pretty good. Except I needed shoes.

I quickly went to the shoe section and looked at what they had. They had some pretty cool boots, but all the cool boots had heals. Trust me, me and heals equal me falling flat on my face as I try to take down the queen. Finally I found some boots that had a small heal and looked semi fashionable. I just hoped they wouldn't hurt to wear.

I ripped off all the tags and handed them to the guy. "Did those tattoos hurt to get?" He asked casually. I was busy judging his darkness to hear exactly what he said.

"Huh? Oh, these. A little. It's more physiological if you know what I mean." What did I just babble?

"Physiological?" He probed. I took a look at what my total came to and almost died inside. It was close to a hundred dollars. For an outfit. Good thing I have powers.

Oh god.

"Yeah. Also, I'm sorry." I began to manipulate his darkness. Once I started a creepy grin came over his face as did the motions to "take" my payment. "Keep the change." I said as I left the store quickly.


After getting far away from that store I set fire to the dress. I took great pleasure watching it burn.

Watching it turn to ashes reminded me that I was about to go and face the queen of darkness and her crazy son to save my master that I willingly stayed his servant. Needless to say that I was getting cold feet. But I had to swallow my fear and go save my dumb master.

You wouldn't know by chance on how to get back there? I asked her. But lets be honest, I didn't know if she'd respond or not. 50/50 maybe?

I shall assist you. The way she said it was like being swallowed by water in a dream. In a way you know you're in danger, but you feel calm, like you could sleep and just drift downwards. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to open my eyes in the castle of the queen...and her son Jericho.

Which may or may not be standing against a wall, waiting for me.

"Finally." Those words sent chills up my spine.

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