Chapter 51: Identity crisis

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Normally, I wouldn't be able to see anyone from this places darkness. But now, I could. I couldn't help it, it was just there. Looking at Jericho I saw his darkness. It was smothering him, pressuring him to be something. Whether he wanted to be what it wanted, I didn't know. There was jealously and a deep seeded hate. Something lonely but too head strong to let anyone know.

Not only did I see his darkness, I saw his light. It was squashed and pressed down, but I could see it. It was small, but he had some compassion. That must be why he saved me from Cantos. Also, why he didn't have a servant. It was intense.

"May I ask what you're looking at?" He said intensely. When he said that, it broke me out of my trance.

"I can see. I see your darkness, your light. I didn't know you were so lonely," I kind of joked, but not too much. It was weird, but I could relate to him. Just a little bit. It also might be the other me's feelings.

When I told him that, his face went from, a smirking little shit, to a don't-mess-with-me.

"You can see my darkness?" He had no humor in his voice. I was getting nervous.

"Er-yes. Is that why you don't have a servant? I've never noticed that before."

"Why have a servant, when I could use Amos's," he shrugged. I scoffed at him. I could see right through him. Which was honestly a little weird.

"Don't do that. I can see right through you. You may be lonely, but you don't want anyone getting anywhere near you. You're darkness looks so suffocating. Why? What is it making you do?" Was that even the correct wording? It felt like I wasn't the one speaking actually. I didn't feel like myself. I wasn't her, I think.

His response surprised me. He started laughing. "Is that what you see? For a higher being, you sure need some work. You still know nothing about us."

"Then, what is it that I should see?" I wasn't about to let him intimidate me. Well, at least bit that I looked like it. Inside I was screaming.

"That darkness isn't mine."

Why was it that people will say shocking things, then attack you? Was it in some villain handbook? Or is it more subconscious? Either way. He sent his darkness towards me and I had to do something to prevent it.

But my body froze. Like it wouldn't let me do this.

"You don't actually want to hurt me," I said it before I could think of anything. Was that even me talking? Was it her? Damn. He didn't stop though.

He hit me head on with his darkness. It knocked my off of my feel and I fell to the ground. Hard. It hurt, but the adrenaline wouldn't let me feel it too much.

He watched me as I got up and stood to face him again.

"I'll be honest. I think I'm having an identity crisis. But, come on. I'll just Amos and go. We won't stand between you and your mother. Why do you want him and I so badly?" I yelled.

"You talk too much," another hit. It hurt a little bit more.

"I'm not going to fight you. It's pointless," I grunted.

"For a powerful being, you sure don't know," another hit, "how to fight back."

This time it hurt a lot more. I landed on my arm funny. I had a flashback to when my arm was broken.

Let's be honest, I didn't know how to fight. Whether it was fear or something else keeping me from fighting-

Do not fight, he is not your enemy. Or the voice in your head to keep you from fighting.

Look deeper. He told you. His mother. I could feel her rolling her eyes at me.

"Jericho. Why did you save me from Cantos?" I was starting to worry about my outfit looking all ratted. I mean, a girls gotta keep a reputation.

"I know you don't want to be king Jericho. I. Know." What was that about an identity crisis? Because I don't think I really knew. Was I really that dense though? I mean, it made sense. He was always acting so tough, yet it always seemed off. Especially with the whole Cantos thing. Oh my god. "That's why you don't have a servant. You're mother never let anyone that close."

Saying it out loud felt a little silly. Especially if it was wrong. But, he did stop attacking. When he did, I saw his eyes instantly. The normal glint was gone, and replaced with a terrible look of utter defeat. I didn't think he'd snap with just my words.

I gave myself a mental high five.

He didn't say anything. He didn't need to. He stepped to the side to let me pass. Just watching him broke my heart. Even though he was a complete airhead with an attitude, I didn't realize how much he hurt. Then again, he did keep me in cuffs of darkness.

As I walked by he didn't look at me. Out of complete impulse I placed my hand on his shoulder and stoop on my tiptoes to kiss his forehead. When I did he looked at me in complete shock. I wanted to laugh, but kept my cool and kept walking.

Alright Amos. Where are you?
Hello beauties. I had contemplated this scene for...a long time. I know it's been a while, and I have no excuse. Except for the fact that life has just been busy. Enjoy this update and expect more to come!
Love and knives,

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