Chaptwr 48: in the beginning

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Sleep comes easily when your tired right Wrong. I might have been tired, but I was hurting and my mind kept racing. Eventually I found a position to fall asleep in. Which was not a good idea, considering the dream I was about to have.

It was dark here, but if I looked up, I saw the starts, so many more than I would see at home. There was faint light all around me, and I could just barely make out a shape, shifting in the darkness, constantly moving, shifting around.

"Well, well, seems that you've found your way here on your own," her words swirled around me and made me feel both calm, and on end. Her voice had the same feeling as the queens. Authoritative.

"What do you even mean," I whined. At least here I didn't hurt.

Damn I'm whiny.

"You must have needed me, therefore, you found me." Yay, I thought sarcastically.

"Look, whoever you are, I need your help to go back to, wherever it is they call it, and get Amos back." I spun around, trying to follow the object that I could only assume was her.

"Why should we do that? I am here mearly to fix, not to save individuals. I am not sure you quite understand who I am," her words echoed in my head.

"Ugh, and who exactly are you?" I figured I'd play along. I couldn't see it, but I could tell she was smirking.

"Isn't that obvious, I am the empress, or, at least, that is what they call me. But more importantly, I am you. You are me. I am just a separate part of you.

"A long time ago, I was given a wakening, or a human vessel. You are a part of me, like I am a part of you-"

"Like a personality disorder?" I had folded my legs and sat down to listen, but I could help but interrupt.

"Yes," she was annoyed, kinda funny. "I suppose. I, we, are an ancient being, born from the first light, the first darkness, the first thing to sprout out of the rocky soil, or the waters that began to flow through the cracks of the barren dessert."

"Wait, I thought you were the empress of darkness." What she was saying sounded like so much more than that.

"My dear, I am everything. We are the equivalent to 'mother earth'. Except, we are tangible. We exist for balance, and right now, there is no balance," she explained.

"Why is there no balance?" I couldn't help but say sarcastically.

"Each spirit believes they are either more important, or that they actually are. All of this, king and Queen spirits, they are supposed to guide the people, not over power them, and separate them from the others. Believe it or not, but most of the spirits are equal, like humans from earth. Power come with age, but unfortunately, so does ignorance. You'd believe that age would bring wisdom, but it can only bring...ignorance."

"So, how are you going to bring peace? A great flood?" I wanted to joke, but for some reason, it felt so real.

"To destroy is for the God of Earth, or at least, my understanding of it. What we do, is remind. There is so much history inside of them, but the only way to remind them of it, is to awaken their soul, its painful, but it needs to happen."

"I don't quite understand."

"You did not see how vile the world has become. I have, I could show you, but ultimately, that would be taking time we do not have. Now that we have covered that, I shall tell you the rest of my story." I couldn't help but feel that I interrupted at a bad time.

"When I was created I watched the others be created from separate things. As I was all, they were but one. In the beginning it was all confusing, and new. I remember it clearly, although I could not say the same for the others. The spirit remembers what the body does not. The whole process is complicated, more complicated than I care to explain.

"We learned. As I learned, I taught. After a while I was no longer needed. I was a ghost in the wind. A forgotten figure, but not yet so forgotten. I was entwined with the world, it was as if it spoke to me. Telling me when I was needed, and when to wait. Things like this have happened before. It is different for the others, I remember everything, they do not. As for you, you are the norm, it helps to blend, if you can understand." I nodded. A separate being, but not so separate.

"The queen, as you call her, was one of the few to arise after me. She is ancient as well, but she has just grown bitter with age, forgetting what the world is. All she sees is something to conquer, she has forgotten the beauty of it. Like most have. What my awakening shall do is remind everyone of that. See as my eyes see."

"Sorry to interrupt, again, but how exactly are we going to save Amos?"

"Why should we? Our concern is the world, not your master. About that, I will rid you of his servitude. Perhaps he-"

"No. Look, you, I actually have grown attached to that moody ass. I will not allow you to take that away from me. I don't care if you're some all and powerful being. I, we, may be powerful, but it's only you that's our powerful part. I hated being your puppet, the only reason I'm here is to get you to send me back. Why? To save him. Cool, I got some answers to the bottomless amounts of questions I have. But, if you're not going to help one of the people, than what kind of empress are you?" I stood up now. How could we basically be the same person if we believed in such different things?

"Curious really. You've never been so...stubborn. Perhaps it's being born on a different plane. No matter.

"Vary well, I can allow you to borrow some of my power. But I must warn you, that someday, when you're ready, we shall begin our purge of the world."

I looked up, and noticed the stars were beginning to fade, I must be waking up. But I still had a thousand of questions to ask. Like, when I'm ready? What does that even mean? If anything, I'm just a little bit more confused.

I find that I could not speak as I watched all the stars quickly fade out. Finally, when the last one faded, the sun began to rise, rather quickly. It got so bright that all I could see what yellow and orange.

I opened my eyes to a bright light being shined in my face.

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