Chapter 11: does she hit you

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The mall was boring, stupid, and had way to many people. But it was better than being at home. Amos informed me of the places he stole from and we just avoided that area all together. Plus, I silently prayed that we wouldn't get spotted.

It didn't take long for us to be stared at. Less at me and more with Amos. He was still in his stollen get up and his hair was still messy. I had to admit, he looked good. Little on the scrawny side though.

"If you want to point that out. I get to point out how you're not in the best of shape." He said without looking at me.

"Excuse me. I'd appreciate it if you stayed out of my head. And what about my weight?"

"I said nothing about your weight. I'm saying something about your health." He wiggled his eyes brows at me. Clever much?

"Right. Right. I ate fruit today." I pointed out.

"That is true, yes." And that was all he said. Unbelievable.

"Let's try this store." It looked like it had some nice clothes.

"Are you going to purchase anything? Because I need some new clothes as well." Amos ran a hand through his hair and looked around the store. His stormy eyes were scanning the store. His eyes were mesmerizing.

"Yeah, no. I don't have any money. I just thought it'd be fun." I chuckled.
We began walking home home when the sun started to set. At least it was somewhat fun.

I opened the front door of my house and walked in. When I walked in I could smell liquor. I sighed and began walking up to my room. Amos was I front of me.

"Where were you today?" Moms voice scared me. I jumped. Amos was out of her view at least.

"I went to the mall," I said angrily.

"You're supposed to tell me when you go out." Her words slurred slightly.

"That's funny. I thought we were both supposed to do that. Looks like we were both wrong," I laced my words with attitude. Mom really shouldn't get in it with me tonight.

"I am your mother. You don't talk to me that way." Her eyebrows knitted together. Her hair was in a messy ponytail, like she had put it in and slept in it. Her brown eyes were angry. And drunk.

"Oh really? What kind of mother would bring in some guy she met at a bar, to her home, with her sleeping teenage daughter?!" I bellowed.

"Don't start with that. I knew what I was doing-"

"Obviously you don't. You never do-"

"I supposed that just makes me the worst mother in the world-"

"Not only that. You're drinking again. I thought you said you'd stop-"

"I never said I'd stop. I said I'd wain off of it-"

"There is literally no difference!" We were yelling back and forth to each other.

"I was almost got raped because of you! And you don't even care" I screamed at her.

Smack! My head turned the other way. My cheek stung. It began to tingle.

"How dare you. Go to your room!" She took another swig for her bottle.

"I hope your bottle can bring you more joy than I can." And the bottle was thrown at me. I ran up the stairs, missing it. I heard the crash of it as I ran. I hoped she wasn't chasing me.

I got into my room and locked it.

"Well that was a surprise," Amos said, emotionless, on the bed.

I ignored him and face planted the bed. I moaned into the bed.

"Did she hurt you? I heard the bottle." Good thing he didn't stick around to get caught. "I know how important to you it is that I'm not known by your mother. So I went straight to the room."

"Thanks." I rolled over. My face facing the ceiling. Haha, get it?

"She hit you. Didn't she?" I put my hand up to my cheek. It stung to touch and my fingers came back slightly red. Yay. I just closed my eyes and covered my face with my hands.

I felt him lay next to me and sigh. "I understand. You love your mother right?" I nodded. "You feel like it's your fault?" I nodded again. "But yet, she's the one who's doing this. I realized that. But I realized it too late."

I could feel the tightness in my throat, but I didn't allow it to pass.

I took my hands off my eyes and looked at Amos. His lips were pursed and his face was flat.

I didn't know anything about this guy. I know he's guarded as hell, due to the fact that he can hear my thoughts, but I can't his. I don't know his favorite foods, his fears, his least favorite things to do.

"You know," he turned on his side, "you could just ask me those things yourself." I couldn't help but look at his lip ring. I chuckled to myself.

"Alright what's your favorite food?" This felt silly.

"I don't really have a favorite. I love food. I don't like oranges though." His stormy eye danced with excitement.

"Oranges? That's what you don't like? Alright. What do you like to do for fun?" I turned on my side.

"I like to set up little jokes around the castle and wit for people to trigger them. Like set up a pie to fall on someone when they trip a wire and look down at something they stepped in." He began chuckling at he memory. I could see someone stopping to look at something sticky on their shoes. Then having a pie fall on their heads.

"Took forever to think of that. Most people would just keep walking and miss the pie."

"Didn't you think to have the pie fall somewhere further from the pull?" I laughed. His eyes widened.

"Where were you with information when I was trying to solve this?" He seemed genuinely surprised.

"I'm sorry master." This made him stop and look at me.

"What?" Slowly he began to smile. "What?" I laughed awkwardly.

"You called me master." His smile became a snide one.

"I was saying sarcastically. Ok?" I rolled my eyes and rolled over in the bed.

"Alright." I looked at his clothes. He's worn those for two days.

I got up and began rummaging through my clothes. I found a large shirt and some sweat pants.

"Try these one. Out here. I'm going to change into my pjs in the closet."

Once I got my pjs on I walked out to see him in my oversized band t-shirt and my red sweatpants. I hoped that my imaginary wall would protect him from hearing my thoughts. Because dang. He looked good.

I wonder if that's what it felt like when you a guy wakes up to find the woman he slept with wearing his shirt.

"Anymore questions?" Oh yeah boy. You better believe it.

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